These guys crash a Kingdom Hall on Memorial, video included

by Crazyguy 201 Replies latest jw friends

  • pbrow

    "Everybody knows god is not gay.... He hates them" Ricky Gervais


  • steve2

    Pbrow's chief contribution to the "cause" is handing Witnesses even more evidence that opposers are unhinged. We don't thank you, pbrow - but the Witnesses do: You are everything they have conceptualized opposers to be.

    BTW, when I was a young child attending the local kingdom hall, a local nutter invaded a special public talk about the coming end of the churches of Christendom. He stormed into the Hall, loudly condemning "the Watchtower", spat out Scriptural quotes and would not leave when asked by the Presiding Overseer (who was my maternal grandfather). Eventually some brothers mustered the wherewithal and bodily ejected him from the Hall (the Police were no use in our sleepy neck of the woods).

    Before he was dragged out, he litered the room with pamphlets. All the pamphlets were binned.... and the Public Talk continued. Unwittingly he had demonstrated the calibre of the "opposition".

    Everyone in that Hall that day - including me - was emboldened by the experience - and not at all shaken. We had overwhleming prood that opposers were not only false but unhinged as well.

    Let me guess how the Witnesses whose Memorial was invade now feel about the rabble-rousers.

  • SAHS

    “steve2”: “When the Witnesses door knock, they usually leave as soon as the householder says "Not interested" and tells them to leave.

    That may be true, usually, of at least more of the younger Witnesses who have grown up in a generation of society that tends to at least value basic tact and respect for the householders’ right to keep their own beliefs. However, from being a born-in JW for almost half a century, I know that quite often some JWs (especially the bold old-school oldtimers) will basically put their foot in the door and keep badgering the unprepared and uninterested householder until they’ve really made a nuissance of themselves, and some JWs will stubbornly just keep on calling back again and again until the householder is unfortunately forced to be rude and has to really spell it out loudly to the JW, “D-o n-o-t e-v-e-r c-a-l-l a-g-a-i-n!”

    Now, I certainly agree with you that the antics of that guy in the video are over the top and completely uncalled for. But, as I mentioned, there is that other side of the coin on some of the JWs’ part as far as their rather aggressive and obstinate marketing methods.

    What wouldn’t have been so bad is if the guy in the video were to just stand up, say one simple, brief sentence, perhaps something like, “Good evening, folks – this is for the generation of 1914 who will never pass away until the end of this system of things,” take a sip of the wine, and then shut up and respectfully, quietly leave. That wouldn’t have been too bad a way of going about it: just make a quick statement like that in a respectful and controlled manner and then immediately leave, quietly, without making an awkward and counterproductive nuissance of himself.

    If he had simply done that, then it probably wouldn’t have been much more awkward and offensive than being badgered or called on relentlessly by one of the stalwart overzealous JWs.

  • PaintedToeNail

    Rude, rude, rude, and totally uncool.

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell
    It is funny, most of the comments on here were very negative about what these guys did and the agreement with the majority on here is it was counter productive. I went to the video clip on youtube and it is the other way around, most comments were giving these guys high fives. Maybe most of them were friends of these guys. It is hard to know what the real feeling is with the majority. Anyone that is a JW or not knowing fully what the JW's stand for will only feel sorry for those people present at the kingdum hall.
  • millie210

    Thats interesting WIlliam P.

    I think we here on this forum are a fairly intellectual bunch and I find a great amount of class and balance among posters here.

    I have no way of knowing what pool of thought the commenters on YouTube are drawing from.

  • steve2

    I take your point SAHS. I too am born-in and am close to touching my 60th year - so I do have some awareness of the old school of blunt JWs you describe. Ah, memories, good, bad and mixed!

    Even so, if we have to refer to other people's obnoxious behavior to justify our own, it truly shows how much they still (unfortunately) influence and shape us. Surely the aim is to demonstrate we are better than that.

    BTW, bullies habitually blame their victims for bringing on the bullying. Look at what violent men say about women deserving it and violent parents about children asking for it. That line of reasoning is frankly pathetic.

  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut
    If you watch closely, at one point a guy stands up suddenly, slams his little child into the seat as if he's about to take matters into his own hands. He wasn't wearing a Jacket so my highly trained JW scruples tell me he must be and unbeliever. ( and we all know how unpredictable they are)
  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Had this bunch of jerkoffs been ex-Muslims pulling this kind of shit in a mosque on an Islamic holy day, none of them would have left the building with their heads attached.

    Hardly brave, bold or ballsy.

  • Wild_Thing

    pbrow says:

    I could give two shits about the adults in this hall. In this day and age where virtually all kids have access to google and are not afraid to use it, (unlike us adults at first) at least one kid will google that name. The adults are a lost cause.

    To claim that this was done for the kiddies is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. First of all, you're out of touch of how controlled JWs still are. Many are still too scared to even have a Facebook account ... not just adults ... kids, too. My 15 year old niece still does not have any type of social media account beyond her Instagram account, which is, of course, completely locked down. And I promise you ... she would never, ever WANT to google the name of some screaming man in the Kingdom Hall shouting, "I'm on Facebook and YouTube! Find me! I'll set you free!" As several have already said, she would be scared to death!

    Do you know what fear does to the brain? It shuts down the reasoning part of your brain, and let's face it, teenagers don't have much of that to begin with. I cannot imagine any child, teenager, or adult observing what I just saw on that video and think, "Hmmm ... he seems like a stable, reasonable person. I'm gonna check him out on YouTube!"

    It's not just that the entire stunt was rude and disrespectful, it was also counterproductive to what the makers even intended, (which I assume is for JWs to see the organization for what it really is).

    I do not understand how three adults could get together and think this was a good idea.

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