How do Jehovah's Witnesses Explain This Fossil Record?

by sabastious 143 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • sabastious

    Debator, evolutions has already been proven...

    There is no debate anymore. Time to move on.

    Start debating the Origin of Life and how that led to evolution.


  • sabastious

    The debate is Atheism vs Theism - jump into that one.

    Evolution is a FACT of LIFE. Stop being hard-headed and accept the scientific truth of evolution.

    Also, stop building STAW MAN AFTER STRAW MAN AFTER STRAW MAN arguments.

    Evolution doesn't devle into the creation debate, it merely explains HOW things evolved on this planet, not how, why or if we were created by a designer.


  • sabastious

    Your straw man argument is Evolution vs Theism.


  • VoidEater

    Witnesses are not a "New earth" Christian group and we do not expect science facts from the Bible which is not meant to be a scientific manual.

    <chuckle> Depends on the Witness.

  • PSacramento

    Evolution and the belief in God have no problem in living in harmony, unlike some on this forum, LOL !
    There are MANY scientists that believe in Both, many REAL biblicla scholars that believe in both.

    Evolution has been proven over and over, the fact that a creature can and will evolve under certain cicumstances is nothing other than another fine example of God's handiwork, evolution is the name WE give to the "cause and effect" of God's creation.

  • isaacaustin

    it is totally laughable watching the certain apologist for the WT here trying to defend Wt theology...which is totally indefensible and leaves her looking clueless and downright stupid. Evolution is not contradictory to creation nor should that even be entering this conversation.

    Keep on going Renibator, you are doing absolutely wonderful!

  • poopsiecakes

    I didn't realise forum debates where judged as a spelling context and the best argument is measured by how well spelt they are.

    At least correct or incorrect spelling is provable one way or the other - unlike your arguments...and your above statement alone has so many errors I don't even know where to begin. If anything you've said made any kind of logical sense I wouldn't be picking on your language skills .

  • debator

    Hi Sab

    Thats why I call it Darwinism. "Evolution" is simply a pot that gets everything thrown into it. Species adaption within their kinds is the proven bit and the Bible supports that in fact talks about it. Abiogenesis is unproven, species jumping is unproven, why we can have living Fossils and the end product animals like humans both alive at the same time but none of the stages inbetween.

    "Sludge to man" in a billion years is not proven.

  • sabastious

    Evolution between species is proven by DNA and the fossil record.


  • sabastious
    I am not debating science. I support it as something that it measurable by the world around us but it isn't proof of the theory of Evolution or whatever is the current Darwinistic Mythology.

    Interesting bolding there. This thread is dedicated to that concept:

    For the record, you are doing the "lumping" everything in with evolution. Whenever you speak of "Dawinism" the term evolution is never far off.


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