Need to vent/ask opnion/advice on new renter in my house

by bluesapphire 107 Replies latest jw friends


    Ahh yes..

    The Fun Renters who take Advantage..

    If you don`t mind Endless Problems and Dog Poop..Get rid of her..

    Make the next one Play by the Rules,from the Get Go..

    ...................... ...OUTLAW

  • journey-on

    I believe in paying attention to the red flags that pop up in your consciousness! Your 2nd paragraph would have popped up two red flags, not to mention #5. Did you ask for any references beforehand? Do you know anything about her background other than she's a church person? She's on "disability" only? Doesn't work, even parttime?

    In my state, you can't just kick her out. It's a pretty involved process to get someone out of your home after you have allowed them to move in. Then there is that "scary" period of time she is in your home between serving an eviction notice and when the sheriff or constable arrives to remove her should she decide she's staying anyway. Good luck.


    If you Keep Her..

    This is your Future..

    ...................... ...OUTLAW

  • purplesofa

    Ok, I think she is lying about the check. If she was still at her same place of living Sept 1st, what wrong address did it get sent to?

    People that get government checks as their only means to live on do not let a check getting to them go long at all.

    Like I said, she should have a check there today!

    I take it she does not have a checking account as she could have her Disability Check directly deposited in her account and it would not matter where she lived.

  • Soldier77

    Pick your battles, sure, dog shit and pee everywhere on your landscaping is effed up, but she hasn't paid you in full for deposit or rent. She signed the lease. You have every right to kick her to the curb.

    Renting out rooms in your house is a risk, a high risk. Renting a room out to someone in your church group is a high potential for church drama.

  • bluesapphire

    I just looked up some information on the website. Technically she is considered a lodger. So I can kick her out with a 30 day notice. This is going to really teach me a lesson if I have to pay lawyer, sherriff and lose out on any rent until she gets her ass out of my house!!!

    I sent her a second text because my son was outside playing with his ball and he was running on the river rocks and the ball was rolling around and it rolled over the dog shit. Also, he was barefoot on the patio where the dog peed again and I had to tell my kid he can't play on his patio or garden because of her freaking piece of shit dog!!!

    NOW I'M LIVID!!!

    I sent her a text that said, "When will you be home? T is playing outside and his ball is rolling over the dog poop and urine! PLEASE!"

    She responded, "I will be home when I can."

    So I texted her back and said, "We need to go over the lease again. When will you be available to discuss???"

    She said she is coming home in 15 minutes. She is at a "bible study"!!!

    I am so mad that a person who is a bible study group leader (yes I got references and they were glowing) is doing this.

    I'm going to tell her that she needs to pay what she owes and she needs to either walk the dog and train it where it's supposed to go or get rid of the dog or move out because it will not work otherwise. I am also telling her that by Monday if the rent is not here I will serve her an eviction notice. Then it's only 30 days after that (which I'm sure I will not see a penny).

    Thanks everyone for your input. In my gut you have just validated what I'm already thinking. If she doesn't even care about the dog poop it will only go down hill from here. Any person who was down on their luck would have seen the favor I gave her by not demanding payment in full at the time of move in. She was just ungrateful and doesn't even care enough to follow the pet policy. What's going to happen next month? She's gonna move her boyfriend in???

  • Judge Dread
    Judge Dread

    She is God's punishment for not renting your place to a Jehovah's Witness.


  • journey-on
    On top of that, she leaves her fan on and her light
    She doesn't pick up the poop or hose down the patio
    She has never walked the dog
    her look at the poop, come back inside, make herself a shake
    she leaves the dog for up to 5 hours locked in her room. Where is the dog peeing

    This is a woman that has NO pride, NO self-respect, NO sense of personal responsibility, AND she DISRESPECTS YOU. My opinion only... based on the facts you have shared with us. Again, good luck.

    Oh, does she buy her own food or does she make her shakes with your stuff?

  • Ding

    "The check is in the mail" is as reliable as "Armageddon is just around the corner."


    So a girl from church..

    Never trust the Church Lady..

    She`s too Busy at Church,to clean..

    She prays Jesus will do it..

    ...................... ...OUTLAW

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