So...the bible doesnt say to follow the faithful and discreet slave...CORRECT?

by Joliette 52 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • elderelite

    tragically joliette, its not deep. we are just in deep so it SEEMS so, but when you read it, its self explanitory

  • Joliette

    Thank you Elderelite...your currently an elder, right?

  • elderelite

    Yep. for what its worth. I totally understand how you feel, but the more I wake up the more I realize none of this is rocket science. we are just in so far that it "feels deep".. it gets better.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    With the Botchtower Corp. teaching, the faithful and discreet slave has authority over the anointed "domestics" and other sheep "belongings"... nice, I'm a "belonging" like a chair or a doorknob.

    But one of the really big problems is context. This was an illustration among illustrations.

    And with the whole "class" thing. I think it's hillarious when they call themselves the "Jehu class". Read the Bible... Jehu used Jehovah to become king of Israel, then he stopped worshipping Jehovah and did what he wanted.

  • ablebodiedman

    The bible does say who we should NOT FOLLOW.

    Luke 21:8

    He said: “Look out that YOU are not misled; for many will come on the basis of my name, saying, ‘I am he,’ and, ‘The due time has approached.’ Do not go after them.

    Do not go after them.

    Do not go after them.

    Do not go after them.

    If a person obeyed the above commandment then he would be following Jesus Christ.

    So can you think of anyone claiming to speak for Jesus Christ who told you the due time would be in 1975?

    In Christ


  • cantleave

    Joliette - with any WT teaching, just remember it was plucked out from thin air and then scriptural references were applied to it. There is never any substance. If it appears deep, that means it is nonsensical and therefore will never be understood - by anyone. Take for example the overlapping generation - complete nonsense.

  • Joliette

    LOL @ all of your comments.

    Elderelite...its really crazy, you sit there in the meetings, and sometimes I feel like Judas. I just cant believe what I'm actually hearing now from the brothers and sisters mouth. This one sister gave a comment like 'We dont need worldly education and scholarly people to help us understand the bible, we know MORE than them.' But in my mind, I'm saying, buuuuut your following a corperation bible. LOL

  • Joliette

    Cantleave, your right. I have to remember that. Thank you all for your comments.

  • brotherdan

    Don't feel bad Joliette! I'm still going to meeting right now too for the sole reason of trying to keep my family together. You would be SHOCKED to learn that there are quite a few JWs in YOUR congregation that are feeling the same way that you are right now. Some may even be elders... *gasp*

  • cantleave

    Brotherdan - i pity you. Once awakened the meeting are nothing but a waste of life.

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