So...the bible doesnt say to follow the faithful and discreet slave...CORRECT?

by Joliette 52 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • brotherdan

    Amen to that, can'tleave. It is utter torture! The last WT study was horrible. First the brother thanked Jehovah for "His Watchtower that he gave us." Then the WT study talked about simplicity and everyone bragged about NOT going to college and NOT having nice things. They also pointed out that it was just LOVELY that the couple in one of the pictures had a very small and sensible table and were not drinking starbucks in the photo(no joke).

  • Joliette

    Brotherdan...I'm single so its a little more 'easier' for me to leave. How long have you been married, and how old are your children. I know it must hard going to meetings especially when you simply dont believe in it anymore. Yeah, I know a lot of people are in high positions, and they dont believe, its a matter of going along with it. Its tragic, but I hope that people will see the error of there ways.

  • Joliette

    What I cant believe is how the WTBTS can have the nerve to call websites like these an 'apostate' website...I cant get over it. There determined to control and isolate there members to believe they have no one but them.

  • elderelite

    Joliette, I have used that very same Judas example. HOWEVER I have come to appreciate the following..

    just remember something... you KNOW the game. If we know there is a sift going on (or at least we believe there is) then we dont HAVE to be sifted. The branch counts on us being principled people. I have been doing a lot of thinking recently on this and where I stand with being a hypocrite, because thats what it feels like. The reality is that THEY (the org) trained me to stand on principle at all times. That is now working in their favor. Because I know its bullshit THEIR training is telling me to run from it.. how ironic. I have within the last few days come to determine, and I only speak for me, that I am not going to allow the org to dictate the rules of the game to me. They have lied and misrepresented things to "us", the rank and file, KNOWINGLY for decades. The principles they taught me they do not believe themselves. The Christ said "all things you want men to do you, you must do to them". I have come to understand that they must want me to lie and misrepresent myself to them. I will not be sifted out and let them dictate the terms of the engagement. I will win through subterfuge and subtly. When I walk out, after having exposed every possible secret document and elders meeting and training session, when I cannot possibly stomach being "in" anymore, then I will leave. but it will be on my terms, because I choose to. Not because their training about not being duplicitous allowed them to sift me out. Think about it. I posted in another thread that I would die for my family. I would gladly stay in this org in order to help them out of it. Patience, my friend, Patience. They cannot hurt us beyond what we allow and facilitate.

    none of that makes it easier to deal with, but at least i dont feel like Judas anymore

  • brotherdan

    Joliette, I've been married for about 8 years and my kids are 5 years and the other is 6 months. My wife is still dealing with some post partum depression, so I'm just trying to make things a bit easier for her. You can find my story here:

    Basically my wife has promised to leave me if I stop being a JW. It doesn't matter that we have a GREAT relationship besides that. I've tried to communicate the many things I have a problem with, but she will not let me talk about it. She refuses to even HEAR my side on this issue. She says that I'm just repeating apostate ideas and that she will not hear any of it. They are so afraid of a different opinion! She is physically AFRAID to hear something critical of the society. I think that's absolutely CRAZY!

    So for the time being, I'm just going along with it. But I know that time is quickly ending. I've gotta make a stand at some point. I'm just hoping there is SOMETHING that will happen that will cause her to step back and THINK for a second.

    That is REALLY awesome that you are doing that right now! You should be proud of yourself. Most witnesses won't allow themselves to do that! Good for you!

  • Joliette

    Thank you very much Elderelite...

    Thank you Brodan, I will be sure to read your story.

    Well, I'm a single African-American Sister, Aged 27. A lot of the research I've been doing, I've uncovered that the majority of Jehovah Witnesses are African American, and they majority of those african americans are women. That blows me away. Well, basically right now, at this point of my life, the reason why I'm single is because I'm struggling with the whole gay thing. I like men sometimes but for the most part I'm attracted to women, but I know that being with a man is the right thing...its crazy(and no, my parents dont like the fact that I like women, rather I'm gay or bisexual, so in other words, I'll probably die in the big A with my girlfriend lol). Right now, I'm just focused on staying single, working, going school, and doing my research. My parents and I get into it all the time, and they think my mind has been tainted by bad association, and satan of course. Its crazy, but thank goodness for the internet.

    I think the internet came along for people to see who Jehovah's Witnesses really are.

  • Ding

    Correct regarding the FDS. Jesus was just describing what a trustworthy servant is like. He wasn't setting up a group of men to rule over people in the 20th and 21st centuries.

    Ray Franz, former Governing Body member, came to see that the Watchtower organization was actually supplanting Jesus Christ by claiming that people have to come through THEM to enter God's kingdom. JESUS is the door, not some self-proclaimed "faithful and discreet slave." John 10:7-9

  • brotherdan

    There are a few people on the board that are gay as well. This is one area where the WTS tries to shame you. You know? I'm sure you do. More than I do. But don't let them. I'm CONVINCED that being gay is not necessarily a choice but can be genetic. It's good that you are remaining single until you know who you are and what you want. Good for you! You might not hear that from the congregation, but you'll hear it plenty here!

  • Joliette

    And I know that there are gay and lesbian (as well as bisexual) people who are in the congo's, bethel, etc. I know it. Theres an elder that served in our congregation when we were kids, and we know that he's gay. The Watchtower slams other chruches for letting there leaders serve while being openly gay, The congregations know that people are gay, but they act like they dont exist, like its 'only those other religions.' I cant stand it. And I've read stories about 'old bethel heavies' who behavior was 'questionable' (ex: Fred Franz). Not saying that a brother is gay just because he's single, but I heard stories about some.

  • brotherdan

    Live and let live is my motto. Why get your panties in a bunch because of someone's personal choice or lifestyle?

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