I Want Some of That Convention Pudding!

by snowbird 97 Replies latest jw friends

  • undercover

    My curmudgeonousness knows no bounds today...

  • snowbird


    I see.


  • JWoods

    Just for a reminder to everybody (including people like me who left before it stopped) - in what year was the food service done away with?

  • mrsjones5

    I liked the Carnation chocolate malts, my dad loved the pastrami sandwiches, Shasta soda is sold out here in California - I see it all the time.

  • undercover

    Good question JWoods...

    I don't really remember. I'm trying to remember. Maybe the late 80s? Amazing how you can remember how bad the foodservice was at the end, but can't remember when if finally went under. I think I can't really remember because I quit eating their crap and went out for lunch...the sinner that I was...

  • blondie

    simplified convention food service
    It was announced in the December 1994 {OKM} in the USA that there will no longer be arrangements for food to be served at circuit and district assemblies. Years ago many workers labored to provide three full hot meals a day for visiting conventioneers. Then over the years steps were taken to make things simpler. In about 1992, the number of food items offered was greatly reduced. The need for cashiers was eliminated by allowing persons to take what food they needed and to leave a donation for it in a nearby contribution box. Families normally made anonymous contributions to cover their overall needs for an assembly. Apparently not everyone did so, because now the simplified food service arrangement means no food at all. The new arrangement will allow many brothers and sisters who formerly worked in the food service department at assemblies to spend more time enjoying the program and being with their families.
  • CuriousButterfly

    I want to say the late 80's to maybe 1991, the food service stopped.

    If I had to eat that crap now I would be in the restroom all day. As a kid I loved the stuff but now I would hurl at the sight of chicken sandwiches and burritos.

  • JWoods

    I left in the late 1970s, Undercover. I do recall that way back when, there were two kinds of food service - the cafeteria, and the snack bar type things. The cafeteria was eliminated, I believe, around mid 1970 (at least in Oklahoma) - leaving the kind of sandwiches, donuts, soft drinks, and fruit stuff that Sylvia describes.

    Another big change was around 1970 or a little before - foor service tickets were sold prior to the assembly, so you could not use cash at the stands. A lot of witnesses hated this - after the assembly, the left over tickets were worthless and you had to just throw them away. They even at one or two assemblies suggested putting unused tickets into the contribution boxes - but I cannot imagine what for, other than maybe for accounting purposes to see how many were unused.

  • snowbird
    Families normally made anonymous contributions to cover their overall needs for an assembly. Apparently not everyone did so, because now the simplified food service arrangement means no food at all.

    So, it all boils down to Mammon.


  • undercover

    Thanks Blondie...

    94, huh? That late? I guess I ate out more than I recalled. I don't remember ever really eating convention food after I was married and that was longer ago than I care to remember...

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