
by diana netherton 160 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • PSacramento

    Let me just reiterate that this thread is worthless wihtou pics !!

    Scantly-clad preferred !

    On a side nort, I once read this in a book:

    The difference between a wife, mistress and concubine:

    A wife has no wage, a mistress is unsure of hers and BOTH are amateures.

  • brotherdan

    Lucky King Solomon....300 concubines?

  • nicolaou

    brotherdan; sorry, I don't get your objection to my post. I'm all for open communication and I'm certainly 'here' for diana - I wished her luck in making the right choice.

    I'm confused, what point are you making?

  • undercover

    It seems that different cultures have different reactions to mistresses.

    Personally, I say do whatever makes you happy... it doesn't matter what my morals are.

    Having said that, some things to consider...

    Why does a man (assuming a man) need a mistress, if he's married? Is he older? Is he looking for someone younger to play with? If that's the case, how long until he replaces you with a younger model? It's like a car...once they've go so much mileage on one, it's time to trade in.

    Does he express love? If so, why is he still married? Why won't he leave her to join his new, true love? And even if he did...how do you know he won't do it again when the thrill is gone again?

    At the same time, women for centuries have known men's weaknesses and been able to play them along to get what they want in return for what the man wants. It might seem cheap to some other women (and men) but if they're wired to not let emotions get too in the way, a clever mistress can do well. It's not for too many people though.

  • brotherdan

    Sorry Nicolaou, misread your post. My apologies.

  • snowbird
    a clever mistress can do well.


    I know one who eventually got the man (after his wife's death), the house, the car, AND the business.

    In case you're wondering, his wife purportedly died of natural causes.


  • diana netherton
    diana netherton

    Thanks for being so open minded....you all make a point. It's just that I was considering

    an "arrangement." I'd get some financial help with my schooling, etc. (I work full time and have a

    part time job so I'm no gold digga). He'd get what he wants. I keep going back and forth on this one.

    Just wanted your feedback. I haven't made my mind up. (Not until I see his yacht anyway. :)

  • BurnTheShips

    Why would you allow yourself to be second fiddle to another woman?

    Are you willing to invest years of your life in that sort of relationship? What security is there for you?


  • BurnTheShips

    I'd get some financial help with my schooling, etc. (I work full time and have a

    part time job so I'm no gold digga). He'd get what he wants. I keep going back and forth on this one

    Ah. I get it now. Well, whores are the most honest women of all. They negotiate the price for service up front.


  • elderelite

    mistress has a certain quality about it that is somewhat honorable. A man is in a bad marriage, he stays for the kids etc etc.. his only method of coping is the woman he loves but cannot marry. Somewhat honorable and endearing

    however, what you are talking about prostitution. you need a new thread.

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