
by diana netherton 160 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Mary

    Hey, I know pu-lenty of women who marry a man for financial gain. How many times have we heard that many marriages are just a legal form of prostitution? You better believe it is. Anyone hear every sleep with someone they met in a bar one night? Why is it okay to give it away for free but a crime to actually get paid for your services?

    No one knows Diana's situation. If she is struggling financially (as so many are these days), then you do what you have to do. If the guys not married and is willing to help you out, then that is your business and no one else's.

  • TheClarinetist

    I'm sorry to hear that... I think that it comes down to what your conscience can deal with. Personally, I could not be with someone who was married unless their spouse was aware and supportive of the situation.

    I'm rather shocked by how judgmental people on this board have been on this particular topic... at least without knowing more about your situation.

    And on an unrelated note, to the people asking about 'daughters being prostitutes', if my daughter decided she wanted to be a prostitute (at a reputable establishment, not a streetwalker, which adds a whole different set of problems that are less academic), I would be as supportive as I would if she wanted to work at a sewage treatment plant. I think it's a sucky job and wouldn't want to do it myself, but whatever floats your boat.

  • PSacramento

    There is another option besides bankruptcy, here they call it a "comsumer proposal", this is where you get trustee and they make a deal with your creditors, typiclaly you pay back 10 cents on the dollar or more, if you cna afford it.

    Gets them off your baach and keeps you from declearing bankruptcy.

    There is a catch though, it CAN still ruin your credit rating because not all credit rating companies understand the difference between a bankruptucy and a proposal and they view them the same.

    Equifax used to be that dumb, I don't know if they are up with the new programs yet, they should be.

    No matter what, your credit rating will suffer a bit.

    By the way, there is no reason why any employer woudl do a credit check unless you are dealing with money and fiances, at least here not here in Canada.

    Have you though about other options like a second Job?

  • TheClarinetist

    Have you though about other options like a second Job?

    She's already working two jobs, so do you mean a third? One full time job, two part time jobs, and school is asking a bit much of anyone.

  • ohiocowboy

    I would worry about hurting his wife if she found out, unless she knew and it didn't matter to her. It depends on the circumstances. Who knows, maybe his wife has her own Boy Toy! If he can afford to treat you to material things and money, as long as it wasn't taking away from his family...

    Above all, please stay safe! If you decide to do it, maybe insist that you both get checked out together for any STD's, as it will help protect you,him, and his wife, but still have safe sex even if everyone is "clean". You health is a big priority.

    I also think that emotions would need to be kept in check so that you do not fall in Love with a married man, and realize that your relationship with him can end at any time with no strings attached, and that his wife comes first.

    Be happy with yourself, and don't worry about judgemental people!

  • sir82

    My own personal opinion: "And it harm none, do what thou wilt"

    That said, why are you so surprised when you present what you have to know is a controversial topic, asking for feedback, and then get upset when some of the feedback is negative?

    Did you really expect 100% unanimous "you go girl" type responses?

    Seems really naive....if you are that naive, perhaps the offer would not be in your best interests.

  • mrsjones5

    I hope some of you are as perfect as you profess....

    Hm, no just thinking about the integrity of it all....oops there is none. My bad.

    My finanical sitiuation is as low as it can get, probably worst than yours. If a good friend (some good friend, just give me the damn money if you're such a good friend) approached me with the opportunity of laying down with him and making a little cash under the table (cuz I know this ain't going on your taxes) there's no way I would be hemming and hawing about where I should do it. It would be a have-you-lost-your-mind NO! But that's me and a few other folks on the board.

    You asked sweetie and you got various different opinions. Take what you want and leave what you don't behind but being miffed that some don't agree is silly.

  • cult classic
    cult classic

    Diana you posted:

    Title: Re: Mistresses??

    What are your thoughts on them? Would I be a simply terrible person if I became one?

  • SacrificialLoon
    I have actually known this man for quite a while and am really fond of him as well. We've been friends for ages and see each other in town quite a bit....

    If he's a friend why doesn't he just give or loan you the money? This fine example of humanity will have to eventually choose between you and his wife (and children?). Someone is going to get hurt, and it likely won't be him.

    You know, going to a bank or the government for a student loan would probably be a better option.

    This is a terrible idea.

  • diana netherton
    diana netherton

    Of course I didn't expect many of you to advocate it, quite

    the contrary. I'm not naive at all. I just didn't expect some

    of you to judge me like you have. That's all. I thought this was

    a place where I could be open and express my thoughts freely;

    and while I do expect some harsh feedback, as the subject is controversial,

    I guess I just expected some of you to be a bit more sympathetic. NONE of

    you have walked in my shoes. It's not like I'm doing it or have decided to do it.

    I'm not jumping into something without thinking about all the consequences.

    I just have no one to talk to.

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