
by diana netherton 160 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • yknot


    I was friends with a club manager/owner......one of the 'better known' in Texas......

    Yes there are some girls who really fall into the cracks but in my neck of the woods it was college students serving drinks, dealing poker and twirling on the pole........ (more likely to do porn then prostitution)

  • TheSilence

    lol I have to say, Mistress has a completely different definition to me. And it's a definition that works for me.

    1.awomanwhohasauthority,control,orpower,esp.thefemaleheadofahousehold,institution,orotherestablishment. 2. awomanemploying,orinauthorityover,servantsorattendants. 3. afemaleownerofananimal,orformerly,aslave. 4. awomanwhohasthepowerofcontrollingordisposingofsomethingatherownpleasure:mistressofagreatfortune. 5. ( sometimesinitialcapitalletter) somethingregardedasfemininethathascontrolorsupremacy:GreatBritain,themistressoftheseas.

    Yes... definitely works for me and my interests... but to the topic at hand, no one can define for you what you will or will not be okay with. I would not recommend it, but in the end the decision is yours. Make certain it is one you can live with happily. Jackie
  • yknot

    Oh Silence that would be a much more interesting part-time job for Diana to consider!!!

    The pay is better and she gets to deny sex!

  • nelly136

    i quite fancied the idea of the housework fetishist, they do your housework and then pay you for the pleasure of doing it.

  • Quillsky

    It's predictable how closed-minded the arguments on this thread are. Prostitution, money, would you want your daughter...? all that stuff.

    Looking at it from a purely moral position, I consider the lying aspect to be more important than who you have sex with. Let's face it, being a wife is often a financial arrangement.

    Imagine one were living in a polygamous community. The man would have one, two or more sexual partners. So that in itself is not the issue. (Hi King Solomon and all the others in the bible )

    The only real issues are sexual and procreational health, and emotional health.

    It's similar with consecutive sexual partnerships. If you've had multiple partners over time, and most people have, then the key issue with regard to actually having sex is sexual health and childbirth, or lack thereof.

    So a man living in a monogamous community who takes on another sexual partner without alerting his wife is dishonest. Having said that, is it better or worse than releasing his wife from her financial contract with him? Divorce, leaving a wife for another woman, is accepted in Western society, but not as well accepted in polygamous societies.

    However, if a person lies to a current sexual partner (wife, girlfriend, husband, wife) about who else they are having sex with, to me the deception is a problem, not sex.

    So to Diana I say, think about how honest this man is being. If he can lie to his wife about meeting you, he can lie to you and everyone else in his life. Whatever you choose to do, stay sexually safe and look after your emotional health.

    As Ynot said...

    One size morality doesn't fit all.
  • jamiebowers

    Becoming a mistress is entering into a type of business relationship. My thought is that if your conscience isn't disturbed by exchanging sex for money, then this is probably the perfect job for you. However, when entering any business relationship, it is important to consider the ethics of your potential business partner. If he is married and entering this agreement with you against his wife's wishes or without her knowledge, then he is a dishonest person. Would you be willing to go into business with a partner who is dishonest? Probably not.

    As for strippers and prostitutes, I have known both, and blanket statements such as "They're all trash!" is unaware, uneducated and unfair. I've known young women who enjoy one night stand after one night stand, yet wouldn't dream of being a stripper or prostitute, and I know strippers who wouldn't dream of having a one night stand.

  • garyneal


  • Quillsky
    if your conscience isn't disturbed by exchanging sex for money, then this is probably the perfect job for you.

    Being a stay-at-home wife is the perfect "job" for some. Sex and money certainly enter into that equation.

  • fokyc

    Mistresses are simply "something between a master and a mattress"!

  • diana netherton
    diana netherton

    You lot can be harsh. I am not a whore nor do I intend to become a

    prostitute. I have actually known this man for quite a while and am really

    fond of him as well. We've been friends for ages and see each other in town quite a

    bit....but I am out of this conversation right now. thanks for your input though.

    I hope some of you are as perfect as you profess....


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