Alot has Changed and I'm going BACK

by Butterflyleia85 73 Replies latest jw friends

  • wasblind

    Hello butterfly,

    are you and your husband planning on having any children in the future?

    have you talked about them being raised in the truth? If your husband

    is not comfortable with this will it cause conflict ? If you had to choose

    between the Organization or your husband who would you choose?

    anyway i wish you well

  • Quillsky

    All very fishy. I've found Butterflyleia's posts fishy from the start.

  • wiser

    I feel sorry for you. Too bad you could not find the support you needed on the outside.

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    How do you and your new husband feel about having the WTS in bed with the two of you, telling you what you can and cannot do?


  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    I've seen it plenty of times. Repent, reinstate, fade. There are a lot of variables where problems can arise with the plan. Works for some, doesn't work for others. Since your husband is nonJW, the Christmas decorations can go up and it's his "fault" for that.

    However, I can't imagine enjoying the songs. Particularly with the new book, it's totally generic stuff.

    Antiphon + piano = "trip to the toilet"

  • wantstoleave

    I wish you all the very best but I am a little afraid for you. I worry how this decision will affect your new marriage and also how your deep feelings about the religion come to the fore once you get past the 'love bombing' by the congregation. I hate to be pessimistic but I've been there and done that and after a while, it all become monotonous again and you begin to wish you'd never set foot back in the hall. To be reinstated to do a fade, well, I can see the logic for the simple fact of keeping your family on side. But other than that, I don't see the point. I do however wish you much happiness in whatever you ultimately decide.

  • Butterflyleia85

    Ok Wow I just found out I am 16 weeks pregnant!! ... I have alot on my mind.

  • Ding


    PLEASE think long and hard before you allow the Borg to assimilate your child...

  • wasblind


    This is an organization that makes you choose, will you disown this child when the child becomes an independant thinker ?

    If this child is born with a brain of his own like God intended, he or she will have independant thoughts, will you disown

    this child if he thinks differently from the Organization ? Will you, under the direction of the Organization (shun) show no natural affection for your

    own child ,if so, do this child a favor and give it up for adoption.

  • letsslatejws

    @ Butterfly, me & my hubby have faded since Oct 2009, this has resulted in many JW's ignoring us when they come across us in the territory, including my inlaws..

    The problem we have is that an elder & his wife frequently visit us at our home to encourage us to come back to the meetings. They visit anything between 2 weeks to once a month to bring the latest WT / Awake. We hate having to pretend to be all down in the dumps and spiritually low'.... (We even took to hiding behind the wall between the hallway and the lounge!) Fading is hard. If you arent seen to be making progress then one way or another someone gets to know ... The inlaws dont know for sure that weve stopped going to the meetings, (because we are not in the same district ie: were at least 12 miles away) but all the same the family are shunning us ~ so I do feel that your attempts to get re-instated, so as to fade are a fools errand....

    I wish there was an easier way for you to get your family back, but there isnt. You need to remember this is not your fault, but that of the WBTS because of their CULT teachings.

    Your husband deserves better than to be dragged into leading a double life. Your potential children dont need to lead this double life either. Are your children going to have to spend their days not celebrating birthdays or Xmas just so they can live life under the radar too....?

    I pray that you think this through, because this last year has been a very rough ride for my 4 children who are aged 9 yrs, 11 yrs, 13 yrs & 16 yrs... it has been incredibly hard living below the radar. They know as we do that they have been in a CULT & now want to be completely free to participate in Xmas and birthdays etc without having to constantly watch over their shoulders....

    As much as you love your family you need to start looking after you and your hubby... no going back. You just cant put your fingers in the fire and not expect to get burnt, because you will.

    Wishing you well - Big hugs from me and my hubby who is newly on here as the Hairhegoat xxxxx

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