Glenn Beck

by will_the_apostate 157 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • beksbks

    Apparently today's rapture was heavily "this is a christian country and we need to get back to it". I heard a reporter on the radio saying that almost everyone she spoke to mentioned jesus and christianity.

    Ok, that's pure bunk, and I find it incredibly frightening.

  • agonus



  • sabastious

    "A Christian Country" is not as scary it sounds (I hope). Modern Christianity is a pretty tolerate religion these days. But if they are talking more about fundamental Chistianity we are in trouble.


  • beksbks

    Any time you combine religion and government, it's scary. This country was NOT built on christianity, and for these folks to try to rewrite history to say it was, is scary. That so many people are willing to go along with it, from ignorance, or to garner votes, is damn scary.

    Hell why do you think the muslim theocracies are out of control??

  • StAnn

    My brother became a Mormon when he left the JWs, so when I listen to Beck, I hear a whole lot of what my brother has said over the years. I do believe that Beck is really a true believer. He is very passionate about his Mormon faith and a lot of what he's doing is repackaging Mormon theology and presenting it to the general public.

    I do find a lot of Protestant assumptions in things he says, which is sad because Beck was raised Catholic. Guess he didn't have good catechesis.

    I think what he was saying today, at least what I understood him to say, was that we all as individuals make up this nation. We as individuals must look inward and clean up our own acts and take care of ourselves. We then need to start taking care of our families. Then we need to branch out and start taking care of our own communities. The days of sitting back and waiting for the government to take care of us must come to an end. We need to take back the control over our own lives, take responsibility for ourselves, and we need to reconnect with God and with the virtues in order to do that.

    I don't see anything wrong with what he said today.

    But, oh, Al Sharpton is just pitching a hissy fit over it. He is so jealous that Beck is getting attention today instead of him. Very poorly done by Sharpton. He's been taking pot shots at Beck all day, all over the media.

  • beksbks

    I haven't seen any news coverage today, but why the hell wouldn't Sharpton be angry? This is the day Martin Luther King gave a speech that is nothing like Beck's rhetoric. Sorry Ann, you are so brainwashed, you can't see what a worthless clown Beck is. Opportunistic is a word and concept that barely covers him.

  • StAnn

    Beks, I'm not brainwashed. Why should Sharpton be angry? Are you saying that nothing can be done or said in this nation on 8/28 that isn't directly tied to MLK's speech?

    Beck's rally had nothing to do with Sharpton but it deflected media attention away from Sharpton and I think he's just jealous. I really think he's jealous because MLK's niece, Dr. Alveda King, spoke at Beck's rally today and not Sharton's rally.

    If King's niece saw nothing wrong with Beck's rally being on this day and at that location, I don't think Sharpton should have any objection.

  • StAnn

    Apparently today's rapture was heavily "this is a christian country and we need to get back to it". I heard a reporter on the radio saying that almost everyone she spoke to mentioned jesus and christianity.

    BTW, Beks, this is what Beck believes. You don't have to believe it. But it's what he believes and he has the right to express his beliefs. No one is being forced to listen to him. I doubt anyone at the rally today wasn't strongly religious.
  • beksbks

    If you can't see why, then you haven't been listening and looking. Step outside your comfort zone. Beck has been talking about this date for months, he specifically noted the date. I'm done talking about this, it's pure partisan politics, and MONEY. Beck is one of the most despicable hate mongers out there, if you can't see that, there's no hope in appealing to your logic and sense.

  • sooner7nc

    C'mon beks, Sharpton's as big of a shyster as Beck is. Two peas from the same pod, 'cept one's darker and has better hair.

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