JW YouTube newbie is begging people to ask him questions - we should oblige, lol

by Awakened at Gilead 68 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cantleave



    Keep your f*(k1^g shirt on.

    I love you man, but that chest should only be exposed to someone who who loves you in that special way!!!

  • WuzLovesDubs

    Somebody set up a video directed towards HIM...challenge him to ask YOU questions! Yup yup

  • Tuesday

    Aw words hurt CantLeave...

  • cantleave

    Lol - Never meant to hurt - just don't want you turning into lucious!!!!

    Long live the V A A!!!

  • Tuesday
    Lol - Never meant to hurt - just don't want you turning into lucious!!!!

    Come on, I'm in better shape than Dustin!

  • OnTheWayOut
  • steve2

    Nice response OnTheWayOut - very reasonable and calm. I like your apporach.

    In contrast, I noticed another video to the side entitled Why Jehovah's Witnesses Should Not Exist. My reaction was very negative towards this video. This guy has ignored every "guideline" in the book on how to effectively reach people. The title alone is off-putting and his "on screen" manner comes across as smug - and his sideways glances at the camera would be construed by a pro-JW viewer as "evil". He keeps saying (as he imagines himself speaking to JWs) "You know Charles Russell taught this...you know Charles Russell taught that etc..." I could imagine a JW who got as far as bothering to listen to it, thinking "Really? You claim to know what I know?" My suggestion to this man - who is probably very well intentioned and appears to know his stuff is this: read up on principles of effective communication and apply them. yes, be clear in your message - but be careful about how you phrase your main points and for goodness sake, lighten up in your presentation - or use graphics so the focus isn't so heavily on your countenance.

  • cantleave

    Good Job - just subscribed to you channel.

  • steve2

    Tuesday, I think you will seriously appeal to others besides women: keep the shirt off

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