For Terry - So That it Will "Make Sense"

by Perry 235 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • bohm


    Since you attribute all of God1 attributes to a possible "real" God2, all you are really asking is that if the Supreme Being can be a Liar.

    Omnibenevelence demands truth, does it not? A lie is not consistent with the nature of God as Supreme

    No, i do NOT attribute all attributes of a God1 to a God2. I SPECIFICALLY construct God2 so it lacks some of the attributes of God1. For those reasons i am at no place calling God1 a liar, for he can, per definition, not lie.

    So let me ask again:

    im assuming (as you) there is only one God, who can be either a God1 or a God2. Now we got to figure out which he actually is, and i claim there is no objective test one can perform, and there is no rational argument to exclude one of the two options. Do you agree with that?

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    First off you'll need to quote a King James Bible if you want to claim something that God said.

    SAY WHAT? That's total nonsence. What edition? How about the 1631?

  • BurnTheShips

    For Terry - So That it Will "Make Sense"

    The Jews have a term:

    Tikkun olam

    That is why Jesus came here. That is the main reason.

    l'takken olam b'malkhut Shaddai


  • leavingwt
    First off you'll need to quote a King James Bible if you want to claim something that God said.

    That is a remarkable statement.

  • Perry


    That's my standard. I do not accept Vaticanus and Sinaiticus as the word of God. Neither do I accept the work of the spiritists Wescott and Hort. Millions feel the same. As you know, my reasons are stated in a fair amount of detail on my website.

    im assuming (as you) there is only one God, who can be either a God1 or a God2. Now we got to figure out which he actually is, and i claim

    there is no objective test one can perform, and there is no rational argument to exclude one of the two options. Do you agree with that?

    I can concede that there is no way short of revelation. The truth of the revelation can then be established by agreement with the indwelling spirit and the word.

  • BurnTheShips

    Remarkable? You are too charitable.


  • BurnTheShips
    I can concede that there is no way short of revelation. The truth of the revelation can then be established by agreement with the indwelling spirit and the word.

    And what if another's revelation by the indwelling of the spirit and word teaches them differently?


  • leavingwt

    Question: Is "personal revelation" the same as "God did it", but at the personal level? In other words, "God did it" (put the idea in my head).

  • BurnTheShips

    La revelación interna¿Adónde te hallaré, Ser Infinito?
    ¿En la más alta esfera? ¿En el profundo
    abismo de la mar? ¿Llenas el mundo
    o en especial un cielo favorito?

    «¿Quieres saber, mortal, en dónde habito?»,
    dice una voz interna. «Aunque difundo
    mi ser y en vida el universo inundo,
    mi sagrario es un pecho sin delito.

    »Cesa, mortal, de fatigarte en vano
    tras rumores de error y de impostura,
    ni pongas tu virtud en rito externo;

    »no abuses de los dones de mi mano,
    no esperes cielo para un alma impura
    ni para el pensar libre fuego eterno».

  • sir82
    I can concede that there is no way short of revelation.

    So God1 (who cannot lie) says "I am God1."

    God2 (who can lie) says "I am God1."

    You received a revelation, and heard a voice say "I am God1."

    Which God said it?

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