How Do You Feel Being Thought Of As An "Apostate"?

by minimus 71 Replies latest jw friends

  • mindmelda

    When being spoken badly of, always consider the source.

    If the source is some group I think is a freaking bunch of nutbars, it doesn't bother me.

    I guess like any insult or label, it has the power you give the giver. In my mind they have little authority, aside from what they believe in their own minds, not being what they claim to be, which is Christian.

    How can you be a Christian and disregard Christ to the extent that they do? I think they are hoist by their own petard.

  • RR

    I remember when we told my mother-in-law that we were leaving. We were living with her at the time. She caught a fit, started throwing things, banging on the furniture. She came to my room and told me to leave. She just wanted me to go and leave my wife. I told her where I go my wife goes. She was a very proud women from Haiti. She even built the Haitian branch office with her own money. I guess she thought the Society would erect a plaque in her honor. She told us. "I want you out of my house, find your own place. I don't even want you in the same nieghborhood, because I do not want to smell your apostate stench!" Well we moved 50 miles away and never looked back.

  • cult classic
    cult classic

    Wow RR! Sorry that happened to you two. What a bunch, huh?

  • AllTimeJeff

    JW's have their own vocabulary, always have. They call it "the pure language." We all call it "bullshit".

    They say I "disassociated." I say, I resigned. I still want all my friends, I just don't try to reach out to them.... yet. I haven't disassociated myself from my friends. That is a term of legal convenience for the cult leaders.

    The fact is, only the GB and loyal teet suckers at Bethel view me as an Apostate. Others view me as sad, they might miss me, and yeah, I no longer believe JW dogma.

    The real irony is this: Jehovah's Witnesses are a religion whose primary function, (what they are best known for, the door to door preaching work) is a work designed to make apostates out of people from other religions, to demonize in their mind their current religion in the hopes that they will apostasize from that religion and join JW's.

    Jehovah's Witnesses are a religion full of apostates. The fact that they don't realize that hypocritical irony shows that they are around the stench of their own dogmatic bullshit so much they can't tell the difference of the smell they generate.

  • thetrueone

    How Do You Feel Being Thought Of As An "Apostate

    When stupid, ignorant corrupt people who cover themselves with a pretentious white sheet of righteousness,

    devised by a bogus corrupt organization and dangerous cult at the same time.

    Naaa...... don't feel a thing, a matter a fact I look at these people with shameful disdain ,

    perhaps even socialy immoral and irresponsible.

  • RR
    Wow RR! Sorry that happened to you two. What a bunch, huh?

    Yeah, I took it with a grain of salt. We moved during the worse snow blizzard in New Jersey, 1993. She was the one that lost out, as she lost out on really knowing her grandchildren. She put the organization first in all things.

    When we moved, we gave her our address and told her not to give it to any Witnesses. And that's exactly what she did. She gave it to the elders and certain Bethelites from both the French and English congregations. We got invited to bethel. and this Bethelite friends, just gave us the third degree. Funny thing, out of respect for my mother-in-law, they never reported us and turned us in. It would have been too much for my mother-in-law to endure, to have "apostate children." But she treated us more like an apostate then the Witnesses did. A old time prominent bethel elder, once told her "Rolando is a formidable apostate". Apparently the Society has a group that monitor apostate and evil slave websites and I made to onto their hit list, now THAT's a badge of honor!

  • Butterflyleia85

    At first it went up my spin to think omg apostate... no no no i don't want to be considered an apostate it's bad... but now i don't give a cramp what you call me i'm honest and speaking from my heart... i kno more then they realize and prob more then they kno themselves... if i'm wrong tell me and i will fix it. I am an apostate but at least I'm not a hypricite. And I feel free from guilt and pressures... so internally I'm happy and I think that's what counts.

  • poor places
    poor places

    I would imagine that a lot of the people who are saying they don't care what JWs call them don't have any close family members in the organization. It's easy to say that you don't care what some acquaintance thinks of you, but your own mother and father? Your brother and sister? Apostates are associated with evil in the mind of JWs. It's not pleasant to have family think of you as an evil person.

  • mindmelda

    "She caught a fit, started throwing things, banging on the furniture." Then she threw you out into a blizzard.

    I can't think of anymore Christlike behavior than that, RR. (sarcasm)

    It's one thing for Christ to judge his own followers, but everyone else who is doing that are just being hypocritical jerks.

    I love how Witnesses think they're the most peaceful Christlike people on the earth, when half the time, they treat each other like crap. A whole planet of them would find a way to beat on each other in no time, judging from the number of hostile cliques I've seen develop in most of the congos I've been associated with.

    Tribalism is still the main mode of human thinking, regardless of all that Witness peace love and granola bullshit they get fed.

  • jookbeard

    I kind of laughed when hearing the term of "apostasy" on my JC, I thought little old me an Apostate! my sister was genuinely convinced I was possessed, it was a crazy few months reaching a crisis point for me by the summer of 1994, luckily I survived and moved on leaving them alone to play their stupid pathetic games, a sense of humour possibly saved me and I write here now with a grin.

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