Jehovah and the Munchausen Syndrome

by Terry 67 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Terry

    Where the Hebrew Scriptures got into "trouble" was with the introduction of gematria by mystical Rabbis and the deliberate effort on the part

    of copyists to arrange the acrostic patterns to imply certain esoteric "meanings".

    These acrostics only work if the text is not FURTHER COPIED in any but the identical form of the original.

    Further, the loss of the KEY would disable efforts at uncorking the hidden texts.

    In both Greek and Hebrew the letters did double-duty as numbers. A whole mystical catalog of supernatural importances was inferred by

    employing letters as numbers and vice-verse.

    Let's face it, these people didn't have cable TV, iPods, movies, internet or Disney world. For them, this was high entertainment.

  • rebel8

    Very good analysis, Terry!

  • Terry

    The character we call JEHOVAH who pervades the Old Testament is a rather sorry lot. And yet, you and I were persuaded to love, worship and dedicate the rest of our lives to serving Him.

    Personally, I think this character is mythic, unreal and a perverse manifestation of man's Id. But, that's just my opinion.

    This same Jehovah who could send bears to tear children to pieces because of a jest about baldness is suddenly transformed into a grieving Father whose son has been murdered.

    It's funny what you can squeeze out of a story if you don't tell the whole story with all the facts.

    Jehovah, we are told, now loves us while simmering murder festers in His heart at all times waiting to flare into deadly action.

    We walk a tightrope in His presence.

    I can't imagine anything more dysfunctional for sanity or well-being. Yet, you and I comfortably embraced this arrangement.

    When we are dealing with such a religious quicksand which sucks rationality under and makes every waking moment a trial of faith we have to ask ourselves where was our own sanity that we should trade it away for such a monster?

  • not a captive
    not a captive

    I agree with this pretty much though I am not very clear on "ids" and "egos" , Terry. The struggle to make disparate stories fit together is what creates disfunction in families when kids cannot call an action wrong when it is done by their parent. "Do as I say not as I do" is another aspect of this, I think.

    Is it possible that stories like the bear story was not the sort that God likes either? Jesus wouldn't let his disciples call down fire from heaven for the disrespect shown him at a Samaritan village.

  • Terry

    I think this topic needs a bump. It is a serious thought seldom discussed. The Watch Tower society thrives on injuring others and taking

    credit for saving them.

  • notjustyet


  • Terry
  • hoser

    That is it Terry. This organization causes the problem first then comes up with a solution.

    I used to work with a man who did this. He would always be coming up with solutions to problems at the workplace and upper management was impressed with him.

    When he was transferred to another location, all of a sudden our division didn't seem to encounter any problems. Things ran very smoothly.

    The other division had all kinds of issues once he was over there. Turns out he was discreetly causing technical issues that he already had a solution for. He designed the solution then he had to make sure the problem existed so that his solution would save the day and he could shine in the eyes of management

    The watchtower corporation is no different.

    They make our lives miserable and barely tolerable, and come up with this wonderful solution The new system


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