Jehovah and the Munchausen Syndrome

by Terry 67 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Terry
    One time my pre schooler was trying to draw a picture, she was very unhappy with it, no matter how hard she tried she could not create the picture she wanted to create, she finally threw her crayons on the ground and yelled "stupid crayons".

    Wow--that is profound, actually. STUPID CRAYONS!!

    I love it.

  • BabaYaga
  • tec

    I didn't eat any forbidden fruit, what do I have to fess up to?

    You've never done anything that goes against Jesus' teaching? Nothing?

    Then I guess I'm not speaking to you.

    But I sure have. Thankfully, faith in Jesus gives me confidence that my sins are forgiven, and I can go to God despite the wedge that I sometimes put between us.


  • cult classic
    cult classic

    Tec - According to the bible the wedge was there before you were born. You didn't do anything to cause it. We are condemned before we even appear on the earth.......inherited sin.

  • bluecanary
    You've never done anything that goes against Jesus' teaching? Nothing?

    This does not work as an argument. The story is that God created man with the ability to follow his commands (i.e. perfection). When one man disobeyed he was unable to pass that ability on to his offspring, resulting in mankind being 'born into sin.' If you believe this, then those of us born post Eden were never given a fair shake. You can't condemn a thing for acting only within it's capabilities. That's like condemning a dog for walking on four legs when it wasn't born with the ability to walk on two.

    As Captain Jack Sparrow says, there's what a man can do and what a man can't do. For a god to condemn people on the basis of what they can't do is definitively cruel and makes him unworthy of worship.

  • aSphereisnotaCircle

    I didn't eat any forbidden fruit, what do I have to fess up to?

    You've never done anything that goes against Jesus' teaching? Nothing?

    Then I guess I'm not speaking to you.

    But I sure have. Thankfully, faith in Jesus gives me confidence that my sins are forgiven, and I can go to God despite the wedge that I sometimes put between us.

    If you had read my intire post you would have seen that i admit i am imperfect.

    Actually, you have completely ignored what this thread is about.

    We are aware of what christions believe, very aware, we are saying it makes no sense, your only reply is to reiterate that same old blather. As though it's new information that we have not heard and are not commenting on right now.

  • tec

    Cult Classic and Blue Canary- I'm not sure that I believe in this whole inherited sin. People misinterpret scriptures all the time. From my personal experience, the only wedge I have ever had between God and I is an internal wedge - put there when I am ashamed of something I have done. If I didn't believe that I could be reconciled to God through Jesus at these times, then I would have spiritual death.

    Sin might have entered the world when Adam sinned, because there was no sin before it - but we have all continued of our own choices to sin since then.


  • tec

    Sphere - I reread your posts, and I don't think I misunderstood the meaning of this thread. God gave us the illness, and then he gives us the cure so we can love him.

    I just disagree. I think we separate ourselves from God by our sins, and He has given us the cure (grace and forgiveness) to that. (to our own shameful and guilty consciences)

    And I don't always know what other Christians believe or have taught, so I apologize if I am repeating something you have heard a hundred times over.


  • aSphereisnotaCircle


    God gave us the illness, and then he gives us the cure so we can love him.

    yeah, that's what Terry is talking about.

    You are admiting he gave us the illness.

    And that he will ( not yet) give us the cure.

    It's called Munchausen syndrome.

  • cult classic
    cult classic

    tec - when do you think we start to separate ourselves from God? During the infancy and toddler years? We're completely selfish brats then. Or later in life? What actions cause the wedge? Who determined that those actions were sins? God? How do we redeem ourselves from those sins? What is the cure?

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