No Shorts and T-Shirts After Convention - Remember?

by mentallyfree31 42 Replies latest social humour

  • OnTheWayOut

    What prevents them from swimming in the hotel pool?

    I am just glad that only a handful really follow the rules. Still, they are there to make everyone feel guilty that breaks them.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I found an outfit for the "sisters" that is proper attire for the convention and proper attire for the swimming pool, so they can just find a waterproof nametag holder and they are all set:

    The "Dress" wetsuit.

  • serenitynow!

    "They would LOVE for you to pass out "while serving Jehovah." "

    Seen alot of passing out at the Pontiac Silverdome. I swear, it was so hot and sticky in there, I was miserable. My goal was always to find a nice long sundress so I could go w/out pantyhose, then I'd be hot because of the stupid long dress. There were always people being rushed out on stretchers cause they passed out from the heat, or had a seizure, etc.

  • serenitynow!

    I don't know OTWO, that dress seems mighty snug on the bust, immodest! Some of us very endowed sisters may give the men ideas!

  • ziddina

    Serenity Now, "Some of us very endowed sisters may give the men ideas!..."

    Oh, Honey, the men get ideas without any help from us...

    About the "No shorts and T-shirts" rule...

    Hah! Like I obeyed THAT rule...!!!

    If my parents were such hypocrites as to sort-of "celebrate" Christmas, I sure was going to break a few rules, myself...

    Zid littlesatan

  • blondie

    I know that most jws won't follow that rule unless it is a df'ing offense. As to not going swimming, there are always some extreme people in every religion. I'm sure the pools will be overrun with rude jws and their children this summer as well.

  • Ilovebirthdays

    My absolute favorite (not) was when I went to the international convention in Moscow. I got Switzerland as the side tour, and even though the convention was over and we were in another country, the females all had to be in skirts or dresses wherever we went. Including our hike up the alps, which wasn't a lot of fun in a dress, by any means.

  • ziddina

    Hiking in a dress?? You have GOT to be kidding me!!!

    [NOT!!! It's just the sort of idiocy the anal-retentive, "still mentally in the 1950's" Guv.Bod would insist on...]

    I'm actually relieved that the Guv.Bod is so insular and out-of-touch with reality as to think that these insane, bizarre behaviors that they insist upon for the Rank&File JWs provides a "good" witness!!!

    "Honey... Look at those weirdos over there... Going to a Dennys™ in suits and dresses!!! I'm sure glad WE'RE not as uptight and rigidly-controlled as THEY are!!! What? [looking at one of the Witnesses who's approached with an invite to the District Convention...] Attend one of your meetings??? So we can become like YOU??? Not BLOODY LIKELY!!!"

    Yeah, great witnessing opportunities...

    Zid littlesatan

  • blondie

    One of the latest Awakes has a woman walking through the fields with her dog on the couldn't see her shoes but I bet she had only nylons and 2 inch heels.

  • cult classic
    cult classic

    OTWO - that is so funny!

    that rule is about as bad as the one not to leave the premises during lunch for the DCs. Disobeyed that one too.

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