Stephen Hawking knows more about heaven than Jesus did.

by moshe 124 Replies latest social current

  • moshe
    jesus could just have written 'I am Jesus' in large letters on the moon so it would be visible with a primitive telescope from earth and carefully instructed his disiples it would be there if they looked for it 15 centuries later.

    Now that would have been the ultimate proof for all of us! Except, Jesus never really explained in black and white what true worship/religion is, and what the actual doctrines of the true church are- otherwise we wouldn't have all these denominations/sects, uh, like this pesky JW religion. He let the man Paul, who had visions, figure it all out for us after the fact.

  • BurnTheShips
    Stephen Hawking knows more about heaven than Jesus did.

    It's ridiculous to compare the teachings of a spiritual teacher to the teachings of a scientist.


  • awildflower

    Good points Mosche. I love Jesus message of peace and love and all that, but why didn't he touch on any practical stuff people could use? It's like psychics today, how come if they know all they aren't totally rich and avert bad things from happening to people? All I can think of in defense of Jesus, is that he didn't know those things OR is wasn't the time or setting in the whole universeal arrangement to discuss them?? But when is it never a good time to help someone out.

  • TheOldHippie

    "The Devil taking Jesus up to the top of this unspecified unusually high mountain to shows him all the kingdoms of the World indicates a great lack of what we consider common geographical knowledge today. The earth back then was the center of the universe and the sun traveled in the sky disk from east to west and angels helped out moving thing in the heavens above.."

    It is an allegory. The dominating philosophy in the Roman Empire was POWER, to rule and to conquer, and on the subconscious level this was rebelled against, leaving people looking for new truths as the old Roman gods sould not help them any more. New impetus, new directions, a new start was needed, and the subconscious manifested this in jesus' replies to the old pagan subconsciousness. The outer Roman Kingdom was transformed to a Kingdom of Heaven, outward appearances were changed to inward relationship with one's god or self, and a new start was given. The old gods had to make way for the new one. Read Jung.

  • Designer Stubble
    Designer Stubble

    What I have done is to show that it is possible for the way the universe began to be determined by the laws of science. In that case, it would not be necessary to appeal to God to decide how the universe began. This doesn't prove that there is no God, only that God is not necessary. [Stephen W. Hawking, Der Spiegel, 1989]

  • PSacramento

    Jesus to his followers:

    Allow me to talk to you of the grandious universe with its physical constants, its super novas, black holes, multiple suns and beautiful nebulas !


    Does all that mean you are gonna make more fish and bread for us??


    You guys suck !


    But how shall ..Oh LOOK !!! a shiney thingy !!!!


    *face palm*

  • tec

    Jesus seemed far more concerned about our spiritual life/death. Not about black holes and alien life forms.

    We can make scientific discoveries on our own, and that exploration can be exhilarating. But Jesus spoke about what he knew, which was the spiritual life and the Father -creator of the universe. As far as I know, Stephen Hawking isn't claiming authority or knowledge over that realm.

    Anyway, why should this generation deserve proof; such as Jesus should have told people in the past something about the universe that we can only confirm now - that's proof for us (though there would still be plenty of skeptics), but what about all the people from then 'till now? They don't mean anything?

    Jesus knew what he was doing... and there are plenty of people with faith from each generation, and without that kind of proof.


    Edited to add: LOL, PSac. That was good!

  • awildflower
  • JWoods

    Without getting into the religious philosophy, I would like to reluctantly say:

    I have slowly come to the conclusion (in the past few years) that Stephen Hawking has been made into a "media scientist".

    I am afraid that he is not (and never really was) a contributor to cosmology on the very first level. Some good work, yes...but not great work. And some stuff in the past few years that makes not much sense at all.

  • notverylikely

    Anyway, why should this generation deserve proof; such as Jesus should have told people in the past something about the universe that we can only confirm now - that's proof for us (though there would still be plenty of skeptics), but what about all the people from then 'till now? They don't mean anything?

    Jesus knew what he was doing... and there are plenty of people with faith from each generation, and without that kind of proof.

    What generation is THIS generation? Which generation would deserve proof?

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