What is your "INTUITION" about THE SECRET "law of attraction"?

by Terry 87 Replies latest social family

  • Terry

    How did Archimedes figure out calculating the volume of irregular objects? Intuition! Eureka!

    Newton's laws of motion came to him with a falling apple. It brought a background thought process to the surface. Intuition!

    Ummm, you don't suppose that maaaaaybeeeee these are sort of, ummmmm, "stories" about great scientists that appeal to the popular imagination rather than fact?

    The Myth of Women's Intuition

    By Nic Fleming,
    Science Correspondent
    The Telegraph

    The popular assumption that women's powers of intuition exceed those of men has been overturned by a new study.

    Psychologists who tested the abilities of more than 15,000 people to identify the sincerity or otherwise of different smiles have concluded that female intuition is a myth.

    Shown a series of pairs of images of individuals displaying real and fake smiles, men marginally outperformed women. When it came to judging genuine and false expressions of happiness in the opposite sex, male participants did significantly better than females.

    Professor Richard Wiseman, a psychologist at the University of Hertfordshire, said: "These findings question the notion that women really are more intuitive than men. Some previous research has found evidence for female intuition but perhaps, over time, men have become more in touch with their intuitive side.

    "I was surprised, given that women had so much more confidence in their intuition. We thought women would be better but, overall, men just pipped them to the post."

    Participants were shown 10 pairs of photographs of smiling faces, some of which were partially masked. One of each pair of smiles was genuine and the other was fake.

    Before studying the faces, participants were asked to rate their intuitive abilities. More women defined themselves as highly intuitive - 77 per cent compared with just 58 per cent of men. However, their claims were not backed up in the experiment this month at the Edinburgh International Science Festival.

    Men were able to pick out 72 per cent of genuine smiles, while women detected 71 per cent. When evaluating sincerity in the faces of the opposite sex, men were right in 76 per cent of cases compared with 67 per cent for women.

    Dr Wiseman said: "This could be because women experience emotions more fully and are more expressive. If men have a more limited emotional system, this may make it easier for them to fake it."

    Susan Quilliam, a relationship psychologist and author of books on relationships and body language, said women were not as good at spotting insincerity because they were programmed to look on the bright side. "Women seek out approval more often than men. They will be less likely to notice and to want to see fakeness in any situation."

    Gladeana McMahon, a psychologist, said: "Cognitive psychologists define intuition as the fast processing of information, so that we get the answer before knowing the question. It may be women have been labelled as intuitive because they tend to talk more about their feelings."

    Read the full article here: The Telegraph

  • BurnTheShips
    This is just my opinion which is subject to change at any time without notice. I accept no liability and no refund will be given.

    No refunds will be sought, GLADIATOR, but if you prove to be wrong....


  • BurnTheShips
    Ummm, you don't suppose that maaaaaybeeeee these are sort of, ummmmm, "stories" about great scientists that appeal to the popular imagination rather than fact?

    No. When the mind is ferociously engaged on a problem, the whole mind works on it, not just the conscious mind. Intuition is no accident.


  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Intuition should NOT be depended upon for decision making. It SHOULD be used to motivate an exploration for more solid evidence.

    If you have a feeling about something, even though you cannot yet explain it, that doesn't make your feeling wrong. It merely makes the feeling unproven. The problem with intuition is that most people FAIL to take the next important step: search for SOLID ANSWERS. Also, one cannot let one's intuition unduly bias his/her acceptance of real evidence and still hope to arrive at a correct conclusion.

  • BizzyBee

    Psych 101. Feelings become thoughts, thoughts turn into beliefs, beliefs result in action.

    "The Secret" gets re-packaged and recycled in pop culture every few years and someone makes money. "The Power of Positive Thinking," "Think and Grow Rich," "Your Erroneous Zones," "How to Win Friends and Influence People," "Looking Out for #1," etc. All are based on simple psychological principles. Nothing new.



    My intuition tells me not to fear this wimp. He is not the true emperor but an impostor. It is Terry I fear!

  • awildflower

    I fully believe in the power of intuition. I believe every living thing has it. The reason it makes since to me is because it's all encompassing. No "knowledge" on earth today can say that. If we just be still long enough to listen it works. Knowledge has it's place of course but I think intuition was here first. Just my two cents.

  • Terry

    I think this is what Burn the Ships is referring to:

    By Massimo Pigliucii

    Where popular culture is wrong is in contrasting intuition and rationality. Research on the topic is helping to draw a picture of intuition as a bridge between subconsciously processed information and the action of conscious thought (see G. Vogel, in Science, 28 February 1998). Intuition brings the results of subconscious processing to the attention of conscious (and therefore rational) thought. Rather than being opposed to each other, intuition and rationality are strictly interdependent.

    Not only does intuition provide the fuel for rational deliberation, but the relationship goes the other way too. One can think of rationality, when well used, as a sort of filter to discern good from bad intuitions: just because we have an intuition, it doesn’t mean that we are right. What it does mean is that we have something on which to focus our conscious attention. It is rational thought, through a slower but more methodical analysis of the evidence, that helps us decide if our subconscious was right in the first place. It is therefore equally imbalanced to be mostly “intuitive” (i.e., ignoring that one’s first impression can be wrong), or too rational (i.e., ignoring one’s hunches as surely misguided).



    If you ignore Intuition in the Wilderness..

    You will be seriously hurt(In which case your going to die) or killed..

    Intuition will keep you alive..

    .......................... ...OUTLAW

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    I agree with you, awildflower, that it exists and is useful but it cannot succeed (for individuals) independent from rational thought. Wild animal species as a whole survive with intuition/instinct at the cost of vast percentages of their population dying on a routine and regular basis. As humans, we hope to rise above that circle of life by adding reason and logic to the innate intuition we possess.

    Trust your intuition to lead you toward a logical and rational path and you will succeed.

    Trust your intuition at the expense of logic and reason and you're living a dangerous crap-shoot.

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