Coffee Drinkers...... Why do you drink coffee?

by yknot 75 Replies latest jw friends

  • MsDucky

    I use to love coffee. I mean, I still do; but I can't tolerate it anymore. Every since I went through menopause coffee makes me jittery and irritable, which sucks. I can drink about 1/4 cup without too much side effects. Any more than that, they'd have to take me to the ER for caffiene overdose.

    This did happen to a nurse that I worked with. She had stopped and got some of those energy pills. There were about four pills in the pack. She took the whole pack, not knowing that she was only supposed to take one. She became extremely irritable, she turned bright red, and had tachycardia. They rushed her to ER...dx caffiene overdose. Yep!

    Anyway, back when I worked night shift. I could drink coffee all night. I'd start my shift with a Grande Vanilla Latte from Starbucks! I can't do that anymore. I miss drinking coffee.

  • poppers

    I loved drinking coffee for the smell, taste, and effects of the caffeine, but I had to give it up nearly 30 years ago when I traced digestive problems to it; that and dairy products.

  • Jim_TX

    I started drinking coffee when I was about 20 or 21. When I was a JW - and we would go door-knocking - and afterwards to a place for sodas and coffee. I learned that with coffee - others would get free refills - with a soda - I didn't.

    Eventually, it turned into drinking coffee at local 24-hour restaurant/coffee shops - where I would go to get warm - or stay cool - depending on the season. I learned that trick, as I was living in a small cottage that didn't have any heat - or A/C.

    Of course, I don't drink it black - I use cream and sugar.

    A few years back - I wasn't making that much money, and realized that I didn't have enough to make it through the week, going to coffee every morning - and so quit. I had a headache from he**!! After a couple of weeks, I got over it, and now only drink coffee on the weekends - in the mornings.

    I drink coffee - as it helps me think - and gives me a reason to sit at the counter at the local coffee shop - and jot down my thoughts.


    Jim TX

  • Weeping

    Thinking on it, it would fall under 'Pharmakeia'. the use or the administering of drugs, poisoning sorcery, magical arts, often found in connection with idolatry and fostered by it. It has caffeine which is of course a drug. Is it really worth the risk of opening a door to satan and his demons even a crack?

  • JWoods
    Thinking on it, it would fall under 'Pharmakeia'. the use or the administering of drugs, poisoning sorcery, magical arts, often found in connection with idolatry and fostered by it. It has caffeine which is of course a drug. Is it really worth the risk of opening a door to satan and his demons even a crack?

    How did I just know what that comment was going to be when I saw Weeping had posted on this thread?

    So, you are saying that coffee is worse than alcohol (which is plainly permitted in the new testament?)

    Really, Weeping - time to get your head around something other than demonism.

  • undercover
    Thinking on it, it would fall under 'Pharmakeia'. the use or the administering of drugs, poisoning sorcery, magical arts, often found in connection with idolatry and fostered by it. It has caffeine which is of course a drug. Is it really worth the risk of opening a door to satan and his demons even a crack?

    I'll take a crack at seriously considering this comment....but from the Watchtower side of it (which is just as whacked)

    If smoking was outlawed for JWs due to the spiritistic nature of it (their stated in their literature when they first made smoking a DFing offense) then why wasn't caffeine products listed as well?

    Weeping isn't the first to make this connection. When I was a kid, shortly after the new smoking rules, rumors started running rampant through the congregations in our area that caffeine products were next. Some over zealous dubs had the same opinion as Weeping on this. That meant coffee, Coke, Pepsi and other soft drinks would soon be verboten. It was so rumored that some dubs were already trying to wean themselves off of those products in anticipation to the new ban. Of course, it never happened but I've never forgotten that time period when I was sure that I wasn't ever going to get another Mountain Dew...

  • restrangled

    I love the smell, the flavor, and it's one of the few luxuries as you get older that you can enjoy.

    It has to be quality coffee, not the canned or off variety from the grocery store. We always grind our own beans every sugar added, but some wonderful fresh half and half to top it off. 2 cups for me!

    One of my sons use to work for a coffee shop when he was a teenager and would bring home samples.....we became very spoiled!


  • crapola

    I love the flavor. And it helps get me going each morning. Plus it's just plain delicous!

  • Jim_TX

    Of course - most folks know that Mormons ban caffeinated drinks - and coffee is one of those not allowed.

    My dear sweet aunt - who is now deceased, was a Mormon, but old enough to do whatever she wanted (she passed away at 95) - and get away with it.

    She would have her cup of coffee whenever she wanted - and say something about her doctor telling her that she could drink a little coffee, as it was good for giving her a bit of 'energy'. (I always felt that this was just her excuse - and no doctor would have said this.)

    Her son-in-law and daughter (who are also Mormons) never said anything, but I could just tell that they were not too pleased with her drinking the caffeinated beverage.


    Jim TX

  • PSacramento

    I love coffee, especially a good espresso, mmmmm

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