The generation changed is explained in the June 15'th WT!

by life is to short 135 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • zoiks
    And that's the damnable misery of it... those assholes will live out their lives in luxury with free health care while all the dupes they lied to will suffer and struggle to their last breath.
    Fucking bastards...all of em...

    My feelings exactly.

  • Albert Einstein
    Albert Einstein

    My wife was raised up as a hard core JW, long time pioneered, baptized 25 years, and after I showed her the generation change she said:

    "Its really weird it sounds like a cult".

    Hope more others will see the light...


  • teel

    Although this current doctrine has the potential to be dragged around technically forever, I'd wager they won't prolong the overlapped generation to three generations. I have no idea what they could come up with, but they need a much more specific end date, this one is still not pressing enough.

  • Gayle

    I just met an ex-JW a couple days ago stating that he had stated this "overlapping" issue to a JW family member who in turn talked to an elder. The elder admitted he was going to have to go over the information a little more also. (He wasn't able to comment on it at that time). Isn't it nice to hear how some elders are having to squirm about this a little. Let the squirming begin!

  • sir82
    the younger anointed contemporaries of those older anointed ones who discerned the sign when it became evident beginning in 1914 will not die off before the great tribulation starts!"

    Hey wait a the part in bold again. This can't be referring to Barr - he was 1 year old in 1914. The most he could discern was when his nappy was wet.

    It must be referring to F. Franz, who was born in what? 1895? And thus would "discern the sign in 1914".

    How many GBers were there when Freddy was was still alive? Just Barr, Jaracz, & maybe Losch?

    Do they intend to imply that the end is not within 55-year-old Jackson's lifetime, but maybe sooner?

  • thetrueone

    Mother bird just dropped a worm into the mouths of all the flock, those that will swallow it will admonished

    as being spiritually strong, those that don't will be classified as an apostate.

    Sure its convoluted BS the overlapping new light, it necessarily had to be created now since " The Generation " has pretty much

    died off. Its a brilliantly devised doctrinal change that gave the organization about 100 more years of pretentious viability.

    A child born today is actual within the preferable time frame since a few sods who were around in 1914 are still living,

    not many mind you but there are a few, interesting is it not that almost 100 years of spiritual light from the WTS.

    just got tossed into garbage pail. This overlapping generation BS is going to be hammered to death in the coming years,

    thats assured.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    They intend to imply whatever is expedient at the moment. For now, they are implying urgency because Barr and Jaracz are so old. In a couple decades they will imply that the geriatric Losch is the last of the overlapping old guard. A few years after that they'll revert to the 1995 teaching again. They have absolutely no problem with changing whenever it suits them.

  • Eiben Scrood
    Eiben Scrood

    I can say one thing with certainty. If I hadn't left already, this pure and utter bullshit would have sent me out the door. I just can NOT believe people will buy this. Usually they make at least some attempt to make a change make some kind of sense but this is mindnumbingly stupid. It is truly the equivalent of telling the group to drink poisoned Kool-aid. It makes no more sense to believe this change than it would to drink that.


    To understand this, it is necessary to first read the article. Then place a cloth over the Watchtower. Tap with a small black stick.

    Quickly remove the cloth with a flourish and abracadabra the trick is complete.

  • palmtree67

    I still don't get it.

    Are they saying that ALL of the annointed, no matter what century they are in, are all one generation?

    That's like saying my great-great-great-great grnadmother is of "my generation" because we're related.


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