The generation changed is explained in the June 15'th WT!

by life is to short 135 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • jamiebowers
    That's what they came up with? That's the best they could do? I could of smoked some weed and come up with something better than that!

    Darth, that was funny!

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    I absolutely agree, JWoods. This isn't something embarked upon lightly. I can imagine the hours and hours of brainstorming the GB and their cronies went through to come up with this steaming pile of dung. Then, remember, they floated it as a trial balloon at the Gilead graduation last fall. They slip it into an article that is ostensibly NOT about the generation AT ALL. And finally, they re-emphasize it two months later in another article, as if THIS IS THE WAY IT IS and no other belief exists or ever existed.

    The more I learn the more insidious and evil this organization proves to be.

  • JWoods
    The more I learn the more insidious and evil this organization proves to be.

    Can you imagine (behind the scenes) if even ONE modern-day Ray Franz type simply said - "Wait; this is not going to make any sense! Everybody knows that a generation is people born about the same time...why not just say we were wrong about the 1918 generation and go on from there?"

    Oh NO - say the all-powerful GB and writing committee - WE CAN'T ADMIT WE WERE WRONG!!!

    That would make the rank & file lose their sense of urgency. Anyway, they have been trained to believe anything we say.

    I really believe that something like that conversation could well have happened and got someone in trouble...if they do have an honest thinking man left up there somewhere.

  • dgp



    Jehovah`s Witness Cows..Watching a WBT$ Train go by..


    NEW " Moo Light" for JW Cows,on the WBT$ Train..

    Canadian Pacific  unit grain train at Field, British Columbia

    .......................................... ...OUTLAW

  • rocketman

    As we all know, when Jesus spoke the words "this generation will by no means pass away" the people who heard those words were the same people who saw the destruction of Jerusalem 37 years after. It's simple. There's no need for "new light", or "adjustments" in understanding; no need for strange explanations such as 'overlapping lives of the anointed'.

    The WTS painted itself into a corner on this teaching (and on the entire 1914 doctrine) and they can't find their way out.

  • palmtree67

    What I don't understand is if Jesus MEANT "overlapping generations that would span over 2000 years" why didn't he SAY "overlapping generations that would span over 2000 years"?

    You'd think he would want to be clear on this.

  • logic

    I think they are just putting this crap out there just to see how much of it the jws will believe.

    I think something bigger is in the works. This is just the prep work .

    I think it is funny that this stuff is not being discussed among theirselves.

    For instance has anyone here that still goes have another jw even mention it to you?

    The ultimate bs would be to tell everyone to sell everything you got , give it to them

    and then get out and preach full time selling literature (for donations). One last attempt

    to squeeze every last dime out of the faithfull untill they close shop. Kind of the way

    they do the elderly now.

    You see we can all come up with our own ideas just like the society. Ha , Ha .

  • agonus

    "That's what they came up with? That's the best they could do? I could of smoked some weed and come up with something better than that!"

    How do you know the GB weren't smoking weed when they came up with this shit?

    Seriously, though... they very well could be "testing the waters"... fishing for responses... cults tend to do that before they drop a mindfuck bomb...

  • straightshooter

    It is just amazing how ones accept this trash from the WTS.

    They try to explain away why the end has not came, but still try to keep the end close.

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