The generation changed is explained in the June 15'th WT!

by life is to short 135 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • teel

    Isn't June 15 around the date when the generation teaching will be studied first? Clever... and very sneaky.

    Anyway I plan to drop in the WT study on that date for the first time in one and a half year. It's just too good opportunity to see cult mind control in action to miss it.

  • maninthemiddle

    Teel, I intend to go to this study also, I want to see the gears grind on this one.

  • Mary
    I don't quite get why they would paint themselves into a corner like this after they had already redefined "the generation" in 1995 in a way that would give them indefinite leeway to put off Armageddon.

    I think their bullshit explanation in '95 really boggled the minds of alot of the rank and file simply because there was no end date give. My father was totally thrown when he realized at that moment that he was probably going to die after all and it bothered him a great deal. It wasn't just the 'growing old and dying' part, but they also f**ked him out of his pension that he was "never going to need".

    With this noo and disproved lite, I'm sure it will still raise alot of eyebrows but many of the braindead will reason: 'Well, the youngest member of the Governing Body is 55 so that means that Armageddon can't be any more than 30 or 35 years away! Besides, I can't see that this wicked System of things could possibly last another 30 years" and they'll continue on. 30 years is still a long way off, and the last remaining members of the GB will be long dead by the time another feeble explanation is given as to why the Big A hasn't come to destroy all non-Witlesses yet, but it's better than no end-date at all.

    After all, the religion's very foundation was build on the idea of an end-date which has always been 'right around the corner'. Those early fools who followed Charles Russell said in the late 1800's that things we just soooooo bad that they didn't see how the world could survive until 1914. They're all dead and buried now and not one single thing that Ol' Charlie ever said came true. Since an end date is the central theme to this religion, they can't have an open-end date now after 130 years of trying to scare the hell out of people by crying 'wolf'.

    wannabefree said: If I can remain in until the article is studied at the KH it would be fun to comment at the meeting and ask "am I the only one bothered by this? am I the only one that thinks this is a bunch of nonsense? this doesn't make sense" ... do you think if we did this at meetings others would reason? I suppose not, and it would most likely be the final opportunity to make a comment.

    That would be hilarious and me thinks you should do it. Actually, I remember when we were studying the Greatest Man book and what really irritated me was when they tried claiming that Jesus did not try asking God to release him from what was about to happen when he said "let this cup pass from me." They tried claiming that he was merely concerned with 'bringing reproach on Jehovah by dying as a criminal.' I pointed out at the bookstudy that in another chapter, it clearly stated that "this cup" was the torture and execution that he was going to endure, so obviously he was asking not be put through it as it (understandably) terrified him. The room went dead quiet when I said this and it was like everyone started waking up from a sleep. What I said made sense but it went against what was printed in this particular paragraph and so I must be wrong. Anyway, afterwards, I had 2 or 3 people come up to me and thank me for having the courage to state that, because they thought the same thing, but they "didn't want to be seen as going against what the Organization said."

    Actually, I think it would be hilarious to go to the KH when this Craptower article is discussed and during this paragraph, just put up your hand, wait for the microphone and simply say "You have GOT to be joking. Where in the bible does it say that Jesus was talking about 'overlapping' generations?' and watch what happens.

  • undercover
    Sorry Undercover, your wish will not come true. They will die the way they live, in absolute luxury and comfort. And when they they move to their new rural retreat in Warwick (Beth Shan II) they will wake every morning to the wonderful sounds of birds in the 200 odd acres of woodland surrounding them!

    And that's the damnable misery of it... those assholes will live out their lives in luxury with free health care while all the dupes they lied to will suffer and struggle to their last breath.

    Fucking bastards...all of em...

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    I haven't given up hope yet.

    I'm still naive enough to believe in Karma and reaping what one sows.

  • JWoods

    I just re-read the John Barr comment in the first post of this thread:

    He referred to Matthew 24:34, which says: "This generation will by no means pass away until all these things occur." He twice read the comment: "Jesus evidently meant that the lives of the anointed ones who were on hand when the sign began to be evident in 1914 would overlap with the lives of the other anointed ones who would see the start of the great tribulation." We do not know the exact length of "this generation," but it includes these two groups whose lives overlap. Even though the anointed vary in age, those in the two groups constituting the generation are contemporaries during the part of the last days. How comforting it is to know that the younger anointed contemporaries of those older anointed ones who discerned the sign when it became evident beginning in 1914 will not die off before the great tribulation starts!"

    1. The official teaching on this for many decades was that "This generation" meant people alive and old enough to discern the idea in 1914.

    2. This obviously did not happen - that 1914 "generation" has demonstrably died off.

    3. So now - without any scriptural reference (note that) - "evidently" Jesus meant an overlap of two generations. "Evidently" because the first prophetic application did not come true. Of course, nobody in watchtower land saw the "evidently" part until after the original prophecy failed.

    This is worse than Freddy Franz' 1975 - it is far more dishonest in the coverup attempt. I lived through 1975 and never thought I would see them make a public embarrassment like that again in my lifetime.

    And here they have done a worse one right before our very eyes - and it is far better documented than 1975 ever was.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Unfortunately JWoods, I think the effect will be far less than 1975 unless something is organized to publicize it. The modern Dub doesn't care about verification of ANYthing. The source of the data, the Borg, is seen as the ONLY source of TRUTH and will be believed by most.

    It's possible that the number of those leaving each year might increase from approximately 60K up to 75 or 80K but massive exodus is unlikely. Better hope lies in educating the public and therefore significantly reducing the numbers who join.

  • teel
    during this paragraph, just put up your hand, wait for the microphone...

    For most of us on this forum that will be a loooong wait... They can't let anyone answer who is suspected of having independent thoughts.

  • JWoods

    True, Mad Sweeney. It is still outrageously frustrating to me that only about 10% of them saw anything wrong with 1975 - so why should this be any different? They really have dumbed down their people to the point of being false-prophecy proof.

    Of course, if it could be publicized into the general media like 1975 was it might make a difference to outside people who might avoid joining like you say.

  • lisaBObeesa
    "How comforting it is to know that the younger anointed contemporaries of those older anointed ones who discerned the sign when it became evident beginning in 1914 will not die off before the great tribulation starts!"

    Wow. It's getting to be a mouthful, isn't it?

    How long until it changes to:

    "How comforting it is to know that the younger anointed contemporaries of those anointed contemporaries of those older anointed ones who discerned the sign when it became evident beginning in 1914 will not die off before the great tribulation starts!"

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