The generation changed is explained in the June 15'th WT!

by life is to short 135 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • besty

    lol at OTWO - the wisdom of the crowd and occasionally its me :-)

    John Barr is the only GB I have met AND he is also 1st generation Scottish so I maybe over-analyse any mention of him......

    in this case though, I think I'm right :-))

  • cult classic
    cult classic

    Yep I think you're on to something.

    Cult Classic

  • mindmelda

    "John Barr made clear that the gathering wound not continue indefinitely."

    Whoop de doo...does this mean I can go watch Dr. Who now? I mean, if I'm going to indulge in fiction, I want it to be entertaining.

  • mindmelda

    I think meant to say that the last days comes in PANTS...well..... it's funnier that way.

  • Scott77

    If they are all dead before Armageddon comes, then guess what? They weren't members of the "great crowd", then, were they?

    So when did the "great crowd" start to get gathered? 1945? 1955? 1975? Or does the great crowd "overlap", too?


    The 'overlaping' of the great crowd with that of the 'annointed' might be the next new light. Assuming that the identification of the great crowd started around 1935 when the door for the heavenly heirs was presumeably closed, then its possible, the GB might be inclined to clarify the fate of the great crowd members who are dieing before the comming of armageddon.

  • bobld

    Like I said before:RE: 2000WT and the end,they will have to change.Well 2010 they did change.And they will have to change it again,don't they even learn from their mistakes.

    So anointed were on hand to see the sign of 1914 and these same one will be on hand or overlap anointed who will see the start of the great tribulation.Is that not the same as being on hand to see the GR.TRIB.No no no GB/FDS you who saw 1914 are all gone dead not around you cannot overlap.


  • crownboy

    I don't quite get why they would paint themselves into a corner like this after they had already redefined "the generation" in 1995 in a way that would give them indefinite leeway to put off Armageddon. I guess they couldn't generate enough urgency with a definition that could theorectically put Armageddon off until the year 10000, so they re-redefined it to put a vague sense of nearness of the end of the world to wip Witnesses into a frenzy. The fact that the logic and reasoning behind the teaching is completely assinine is of no consequence since most JW's either will have this stuff go over their head, or buy into it without thinking.

    It just goes to show how out of touch or stupid the actual leadership is. If there were any practical thinkers on the GB they would see that there is a potential theological time bomb waiting for the 2050 GB who is going to have to explain away and redefine the generation doctrine once again (probably to something like the 1995 "old light"). Clearly these guys are blindly loyal true believers or just do not care. At least the GB Ray Franz wrote about seemed aware that the stuff they taught was highly flawed, but I really have to wonder if this new generation GB (only 2 "old guard" remain) believe the crap they are saying, as impossible as that may seem.

    Or maybe they just expect the 2050 rank and file JW's to be just as dumb as "this generation's".

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    We've always been at war with Eastasia!

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    I hope they fucking die miserable, agonizing deaths.... alone where no one knows they're in pain...and I hope as they see the light of whatever lies beyond that they see a vision that shows that there is a burning fucking hell....but just for lying fuckers like them...

    Sorry Undercover, your wish will not come true. They will die the way they live, in absolute luxury and comfort. And when they they move to their new rural retreat in Warwick (Beth Shan II) they will wake every morning to the wonderful sounds of birds in the 200 odd acres of woodland surrounding them!


  • moshe

    The root word of evidently is evidence, of which their is none to back up the GB's new light on the 1914 generation. Also since the word was applied to Jesus, the evidence should have come from him- didn't happen.

    Speculation is what the GB has been doing here and then pawning it off on Jesus.

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