2010 Circuit Assembly..........Sunday Program nonsense and madness.

by RULES & REGULATIONS 68 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • joelingeorgia

    its sad. so many people's lives changed and not for the better. i was once that young person on a circuit assembly stage

    proudly stating that I was pioneering and not going to college. thankfully I got away from the pressure of my parents

    and witness friends and went to college and have had a rewarding career in banking and gotten to travel the US extensively,

    made innumerable friends from all walks of life and now have a wonderful life partner who I have been with for 22 years.

    your destiny is in your own hands.

  • not sure yet
    not sure yet

    I left highschool halfway, to become a pioneer and special pioneer at the age of 16. After that the youngest Gilead missionary ever. Now, thirty years later, we've send our four children, after finishing highschool, to my homecountry. All four of them are in University in a high developped country. One is studying medicine. They are not baptized, because we wanted them to choose after they go through 'life' and are weel-educated adults. They, and we also, got the cold shoulder because of that choice from the friends. But I did not want them to miss out on opportunities, not to ear fame or fortune, but to be educated and have some kind of security in this unstable world. the same security the society looks for when the buy (fire, All-isk)insurrance for their properties, cars and buildings. We educate our children to asurre some of the basic aspects of their lives....

  • not sure yet
    not sure yet

    sorry the errors...of typing, here's take two.

    I left highschool halfway, to become a pioneer and special pioneer at the age of 16. After that the youngest Gilead missionary ever. Now, thirty years later, we've send our four children, after finishing highschool, to my homecountry. All four of them are in University in a high developped country. One is studying medicine. They are not baptized, because we wanted them to choose after they go through 'life' and are well-educated adults. They, and we also, got the cold shoulder because of that choice from the friends. But I did not want them to miss out on opportunities, not to earn fame or fortune, but to be educated and have some kind of security in this unstable world. The same security the Society looks for when they buy (fire, All-Risk) insurrance for their properties (cars and buildings). We educate our children to asurre some of the basic aspects of their lives....

  • maninthemiddle

    I knew I wasn't going to college so I didn't have to worry about grade point averages or SATs. To be quite I honest, I really didn't give a fuck about high school or my grades. I just wanted out.

    I had a similer attitude. What else do you expect when your parents and every adult in your life is telling you will probably never finish school.

    I wanted so much more out of school but it was never an option for me, at least never an option I new how to take hold of myself.

    The few adults I was friends with in and around high school age, every time we talked they said how little time is left and they couldn't wait, this sytem can't last ,etc,etc.

    This kind of attitude, especaily from your parents, really warps your outlook on life.

  • babygirl30

    we are very very selfish and have some one else spent money on education so we can enjoy Doctors,Dentists,eyes specialists,engineers.The WBTS like those Lawyers,new advances high speed presses,computer engineers.

    Now THAT is what always confused me...everyone was up my BUTT about 'going to Bethel' and being a temp worker (such a privilege???) because I am a computer GEEK and wanted to go to school for that. I was a gifted honors student from middle school all the way till I graduated, was in Honor Society, took all AP course (except for math) at my PARENTS urging - yet even the THOUGHT of college was a 'no-no'!!! I mean, why PUSH so hard for your kid to excel at schoolwork when in the end, it means nothing!! No company says in an interview "Oh, I see you got all A's in high school and were gifted/honors' - do they? -hahahahahaha. My father insisted I take the SATs, I aced a mandatory state test that had college letters AND the army recruiters knocking at my door every month - offering to pay for my entire college education if I would go for some kind of computer engineering job with them!!!! All the colleges I applied to (behind my parents back) I was accepted to - and when I took that 'idea' to my parents, they immediately sent me on a tour of Bethel to see the MEPS system. The brother talked to me for the longest time about how I could come up there, work on this program, pioneer, blah blah blah. So I asked him, "do you have a comp degree?" and he said "OH well yes...I went to MIT". OOOOOOOOOOKKKKKKKKKKKKK....so I'm supposed to leave my ghetto-ass high school, jump RIGHT up here to Bethel, work on a million dollar computer system with NO formal education? Really? I left there upset more then glad for the experience. Headquarters is FULL of dr's, lawyers, engineers, computer designers, chefs, hairdressers, dentists, etc - they didn't WALK in the door with no education. did they??? So it's ok for THEM to benefit from an education - but the rest of us can't?

    What did I end up doing? Going to community college. And now? Well, the economy now calls for "4yr degree" as a BASIC requirement for entry level jobs...so it's TOUGH out there. All I have to fall back on is my experience, my 'fine' ass looks (hahahahah - just being silly), and street smarts. Nobody CARES that I was smart in high school, nobody cares that I went to community college. I resent how the org makes college look like the 'big bad wolf' that is going to EAT you up if you go...cause it makes these dingbat kids THINK that a diploma is enough! To do basic manual labor, yes a diploma is ok. But if you want a career (not just a job) then a degree is MANDATORY!!!

  • maninthemiddle

    Headquarters is FULL of dr's, lawyers, engineers, computer designers, chefs, hairdressers, dentists, etc - they didn't WALK in the door with no education. did they??? So it's ok for THEM to benefit from an education - but the rest of us can't?

    Damn right it's OK for them, they are needed.

    Maybe someone who was at bethel could answer this for me.

    I was pushed to go to bethel like many here, but I swore that if I couldn't go to college then I wasn't going to bethel. I knew at the time that they had plenty of educated ones at bethel, I also knew many people that were highly skilled in something that got put to work cleaning or doing laundury. Now I am not to good to do anything, but I these pople spent their entire bethel career doing menial labor while their skills stagnated. Why does this happen? Did they not kiss anough ass?

    I remember being told that these skilled people went to college before "learning the truth"; I highly doubted everyone did.

  • babygirl30

    not sure yet They are not baptized, because we wanted them to choose after they go through 'life' and are well-educated adults.

    I respect you SO much for that! Personally, I think THAT is what would make JWs a little less 'shady' - allowing ADULT children to make a decision on their own. Being raised in the org, kids are kept separate and secluded, so they have NO idea what to expect or how to do a damn thing in the world. But if after going to college, getting an education, or at least having SOME type of life experience - THEN they are qualified to decide to be a JW or not. What the heck does a kid know?

  • snowbird

    LOl at BabyGirl!

    You got that devil in you again, girfriend!


  • babygirl30


    Girl - you have NO idea! I think I need a HUG!!!

  • snowbird

    OK, here goes: (((((((BabyGirl)))))))



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