What Are Some Of The Dumbest Beliefs JW's Have?

by minimus 68 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    I like this thread!

    Hiya Sweet. regarding jewelry, if you accept something from a spiritist, like jewelry, YOU could get involved with the demons. If the jewelry is religious, you can't wear it. If the jewelry is holiday themed, it's bad. If it's a horseshoe (for good luck) the demons might getcha again!

  • MidwichCuckoo
    One new one is "a generation". Now, they are stringing generations end to end like I do with Christmas lights. At least the Christmas lights look pretty.

    So funny Wizard ...the WT is not only content with changing the Bible and History to suit its doctrines...but is now changing the dictionary, lol.

  • minimus

    and they buy it!

  • teel
    if you want to have something in your house that a friend or a relative of yours died on along with false pretenses that your friend or loved one died for go ahead

    This is the wrong story. Here, let me fix it for you:

    I was once walking in a shopping mall with my friend. There was a terrorist attack, and the terrorist threatened to shoot me. My friend just in the last second jumped before me, and took a bullet for me, willing to give his life for me. The ambulance quickly got him to the hospital, and thankfully the doctors removed the bullet and saved his life. Since then I proudly carry the bullet on a chain on my neck, to be reminded every possible time for the great sacrifice my friend made for me.

    That is the correct story. It's fiction, but this is what truly describes what actually happened.

  • mrsjones5

    Touching your own naughty bits can lead to homosexuality....utter hogwash.

  • poopsiecakes

    That unity of belief trumps thinking and asking questions.

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    Pretty much anything in the Revelation book.

  • JWoods
    Pretty much anything in the Revelation book.

    Along with anything ever written about evolution versus creation.

  • tenyearsafter

    How about...

    We are not prophets so anything we say that doesn't happen can't be a false prophecy...but we are God's Channel on earth and as such receive our guidance directly from him and if we make a mistake it is just because we needed new light...don't rush ahead of God's Organization!

  • JWoods

    The creative days were 7 thousand years long each - thus making all ancient fossils ever found on earth less than 49,000 years in age.

    I still count this as a JW belief because they have never explicitly changed it, nor have they upset their previous notion that 1975 marked the end of 6,000 years of man's existence on earth. (in spite of numerous human fossils thousands of years older than that)

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