What Are Some Of The Dumbest Beliefs JW's Have?

by minimus 68 Replies latest jw friends

  • cantleave

    The idea that inanimate objects (especially small things like jewellery) are a great place for Demonz to live.

  • Brocephus

    God doesn't want you to serve your fellow man by being a cop, firefighter, serving in the army, being a teacher, going to college and becoming a doctor, volunteering for the red cross or salvation army....

    But it is ok to bang on there doors on Saturday morning and tell them everything they believe about God and religion is wrong.....

  • bruce

    believing that the nw translation was translated by greek tranlators who were so modest they left out there names.In fact the 4 men who so called translated had no formal greek studies except FREd Franz who hat only 1 and1/2 years and dropped out of school.the other 3 had no formal training,Schrooder,Knorr and Gangas these men simply used a existing translation and Lexicons to dubb new words and anti diety verses into this "unbias" ,"fresh"new work what a deceptive evil deed

  • MidwichCuckoo

    If I was a 'Demon' I don't think I'd check out the 'small ads' to sellotape/weld myself to second hand objects.

  • eyesthatsee

    • 1914 - use of lunar year and solar year; and oh yeah, 607 BCE is wrong in the 1st place
    • Creation book - sad really
    • Anyone heard about the evil of aluminium?
    • Degree of repentance commensurate with significance of 'sin' - what about the paedophiles (including the one in London Bethel?)

    I could go on and on ......... ETS

  • A.Fenderson

    Not sure this one counts, seeing as how most JW's don't actually know this, but the fact that a 2/3 majority vote of the GB (meaning up to a full third of the GB members can completely disagree) is enough to 180 any given doctrine or establish completely new doctrines which are still considered to be Jehovah's will and command.

    See the third paragraph here.

  • JWoods

    Not to mention that a non 2/3 majority vote (which must have the backing of the holy spirit, right?) will not change doctrine even if it is say - 60%.

  • Finally-Free

    That giving a 5 year old a birthday cake is an evil deed that could result in a beheading.


  • finallysomepride

    All of them (almost)

  • ziddina

    I think this video expresses it for me... [and yes, I have posted this video to several other threads; I like it that much!]



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