Faders are indeed a very large doormat

by moshe 132 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gregor

    I have said before that I respect whatever reasons one may have to play the game.

    But in my case I just couldn't do it and I paid the painful family price. Many of those loved ones I lost are now deceased. It was a 'forever' decision.

    I would not change anything.

    Did I mention that I hate the WTB&TS?

  • sspo


    I don't think it's your business to judge how we decided to get out of the watchtower.

    We all know our circumstances and what was best for us and our families.

    It takes a lot of balls to walk away from the org. after decades in it and realizing you will lose all your friends and family,

    whether you DF or DS or fade the outcome is almost the same.

    Not every one has to come on this board and blow the trumpet of what their doing against the watchtower!

  • watson

    Proud fader here.

  • shamus100


    Nobody can really judge on the net who is doing what right or wrong. You can get inklings with some people, but really, WTF does some asshole with a monkey avatar know about you, or anyone.

    For the record, people who picket, scream and holler at a$$emblies make me want to throw eggs at them. I don't need to do any of that shit, EVER.

  • JeffT

    If I wanted to drive my blood pressure up worrying about what other people are doing (or not doing) I would have stayed at the Kingdom Hall.

    JeffT of the wrote a thrity page DA letter class

  • cantleave

    Moshe, you make some interesting observations, however I don't entirely agree on some of your conclusions. I am fading, I prefer to to that because of family ties and my work situation. I do not consider myself a JW and if push came to shove and I was presented with a JC I would write a letter of disassociation stating clearly why I was making that choice, it would expose all the flaws in the society. I would copy that letter to anyone I care about within the organisation.

    Until that is necessary I will do what I can to undermine the faith of those I still have contact with. By asking questions in a hypothetical way, such as "on the service someone asked this question, how would you have answered it?"

    So I have taken the option of fading. I am not self congratulatory about this, but the point that so many people are doing this is something celebrate, because faders do not contribute funds to WTS and for me that is the most important thing. Drain the WTS's source of income and great thing has been accomplished.

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Can take some ppl out of the JWs but you can’t take the JWs out of the person.


    Moshe - some clarification please. What do you mean by fader?

    Are you saying that a fader (description of how one leaves the borg) cannot later become an apostate without being disassociated or disfellowshipped?

    What about the faders who have left the Borg that take anonymous action?

    What about the faders who are still in and have subversive chats with people - doing the work of an apostate from within?

    Your post seems to be either a battle cry trying to stir up some action or a judgemental stereotype - the kind that I've heard a thousand times from the platform.


  • wobble

    By Gregors definition, I am not a fader, I let all my family know my views in no uncertain terms, they had a conference it seems, and decided not to be the ones to precipitate my DFing, so none of them have dobbed me in, two of them are Elders.

    I prefer the fact that I am not DF'd or DA'd, I can do what I want, speak to who I want ,and plant seeds of doubt, I could not do that in any other condition than the one I am in.

    I attend Apostameets, I talk with DF'd people openly in public and am free, if I get DF'd at some point I don't give a flying fluk.

    I do agree with Moshe on the point that if you are afraid of performing a number of actions that you would have carried out but for the fear of a WT witchhunt, then you are not an XJW for sure. And self congratulation is not appropriate, you are still skulking.

    But, whatever, I think it is just important we all follow our own chosen path, and try to get others to follow theirs, out of the Borg.



  • RosePetal

    Moshe I think you are being very harsh. I feel very lucky that my hubby and I have resigned together. I feel so much for husbands and wives who have children and are fading on their own with no support, and know their children may never speak to them again or may lose their husband or wife. They need all our love and support not judgment. I am sure they are still able to plant seeds of doubt and use their situation quietly and maybe in time help family and others to wake up. Every ones situation is different.

    Love RosePetal

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