Faders are indeed a very large doormat

by moshe 132 Replies latest jw friends

  • ziddina

    Uhm, I'm not a 'fader'; DA'd myself 20+ some years ago and totally walked away from the WTBTS without a backward glance, but...

    As I - and others - have said before, it's very difficult for many to make a "clean" break while the WTBTS still holds their family hostage...

    I say, give the faders room to do - and be - whatever they need to be... As Dissed said, people who are 'faders' but still 'in' can act as very effective 'moles', spies, and dissidents... Others, who are deeply concerned about family members, sometimes bring those members out with their [the fader's] thoughtful questions and gentle reminders...



    Yer most welcome, Quirky!

    As I've read further [I'm on page 2, now...], I totally agree with Undercover's take on the situation...

    And Olin Moyle's Ghost commented,

    "In my limited experience, simply walking away and living a quiet, fulfilling life makes a bigger impression on those still in. It rocks their world. They've been taught that those who stop believing become either (1) wild-eyed, holy-rolling, assembly-picketing apostates; (2) drug-using, wife-swapping, deadbeat hedonists; or (3) "prodigal sons/daughters" who realize the error of their ways and come back to the K. Hall.

    So, when you simply live a good life and don't fit their cookie-cutter idea of an ex-JW, it causes cognitive dissonance. Sometimes it even causes them to ask questions. This is a good thing...."


  • Quirky1

    Thank you Zid..

  • Pistoff

    I am a fader, and proud of it. But then my mission is to help my family out over a period of time, something I could not do if I attacked the religion head on.

    They know me, know that I am well read and I do not attend. 2 of my children are out, one is not.

    But this is what I want, which is what motivates each of us, no?

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