How miserable are Witless Kids REALLY?

by hamsterbait 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • justpassing

    I had a happy childhood and so did (as far as I could tell) the other Witness kids I knew.

    These kinds of things depend on much more that just the religion you belong to.

    To blame your "miserable" childhoods on just the religion is wrong. I don't buy it.

    What your parents were like is probably more important than the religion. Strict, moderate or soft – it makes a big difference, even for non-religious families.

    Strict + Religious, now that's asking for trouble.

    For me, my Dad was moderate (most dads are, imo) and as for my mother, well, I could of (probably) got away with murder.

    "Fathers, do not exasperate your children, that they may not lose heart...."

    My advice to some of you here, is instead of wallowing in self-pity, take a few moments to think about the millions of children in the world who really do have dreadful childhoods - many who, for various reasons, will never make it to teenage years let alone adulthood.


  • aSphereisnotaCircle

    I think a lot of people want to believe their JW upbringing was miserable.

    Why would people do that? What is their motivation?

  • dissed

    justpassing -

    You mentioned the tolerance of your parents led to your happiness, still being a JW.

    A strict WT JW upbringing puts undue pressure on children.

    Carrying the burdens of Armageddon coming and will I survive? What if I need a blood transfusion, not being allowed to associate with non-JW's, no parties, holidays, no sports or extra curricular activities, the feeling you are being watched and could be reported to the Elders. All of these make it very hard for a JW kid to grow up in a normal world.

    The religion, if believed and followed by the parents, is the primary cause of many JW kids having issues adjusting to social situations. Some kids adjust okay, but many do not.

    Thanks for your perspective, it adds much to the discussion. And welcome to the board.

  • garyneal

    testing. can anyone see?

  • garyneal

    still no go

  • garyneal

    bump up to page two

  • OnTheWayOut

    They are pretty miserable.

    A proper caption could be, "We couldn't go to Disney World this summer so we would have time for this."

  • garyneal

    LOL, that is too funny OTWO.

  • White Dove
    White Dove


    You had buddies? I think it's fair to say that not many of us had friends like that. I had 0 buddies. My sister was the only one that I talked to with any regularity. I had a very lonely childhood and was very sad because of it.

  • White Dove
    White Dove


    You had buddies? I think it's fair to say that not many of us had friends like that. I had 0 buddies. My sister was the only one that I talked to with any regularity. I had a very lonely childhood and was very sad because of it.

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