GREAT Visit from the Elders and new stuff

by SouthCentral 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    i'm with jeff

  • AllTimeJeff

    Whatever those elders said to you South Central, I don't think they are right. At best, they didn't understand a letter that came out. That is not surprising, so many letters are read to the body as opposed to each elder reading them (as they should), so everyone hears different things.

    I doubt there is much of anything thats changed. If you sin "grossly", the elders will want to know to give you a JC.

    If one can now sin while not attending meetings or professing to be a JW and can get off without a JC, do you know how many JW's will take a 3 year vacation?

  • AllTimeJeff

    Hey South Central, thats interesting. If you hadn't been around for a few years, but suddenly turn in time, yeah, you'll be on the elders radar for sure.

  • SouthCentral

    The example of the prodical son was given and some other scriptures as well. The sins would have to be confessed, but impunity would be given.....unless they do not know the meaning of the word. They said Jehovah is forgiving the unwashed to allow everyone to get life. Isn't that loving?! (lol)

    I know that if you turn in time, no one cares if u attend the meetings. You are NOT on the CO's report....You are invisible.....Now, that no longer applies. I am on the radar......they said that this is a rare case...

  • SouthCentral

    @ Jeff....I had NEVER stopped turning in time......for YEARS....until they STOPPED accepting it. (via phone or family).

  • villabolo


    "The elders stopped by today. They spoke of a new arrangement where the org is asking EVERYONE to come back regardless of their sins. They just want them to come back with impunity."

    SouthCentral, AllTimeJeff, I am a disfellowshipped apostate who, shortly after I was df'd, went to the memorial and tipped over the table with the wine and matzos (nasty scene, all that broken glass and ceramics). Do you think they will accept me back with impunity?


    They just want them to come back with impunity.

    "With Impunity"..

    Thats never going to happen..

    You either misunderstood..Or..Were lied to..

    The WBT$ is never going to give up thier Big Stick..

    ........................... ...OUTLAW

  • SouthCentral

    possibly lied to, my understanding is impeccable. I obviously questioned this and they confirmed what was said. 2 Chronicles 19:1-3 was cited. The king had committed terrible sins, but was forgiven. (Are our sins worse?) Sounds like a speciality scripture from NYC.

    Again, just sharing what was mentioned. Doesn't really matter to me on what is believable and what is not.

  • SouthCentral

    the low-lights were the great trib is just around the corner, we are close to the end...yada, yada, yada........get back or die (my words, not theirs)

  • AllTimeJeff

    I hear you South Central. It's just that there are a lot of lurking JW's who don't want to be JW's anymore. Maybe they want to try and fade, but feel they have to confess their sins.

    Misinformation can cause a lot of trouble. I realize this is an internet discussion board, but its always good to discuss these things. I used to be up on everything when I first got out. Thankfully, I have been out of the loop for 4 years now.

    Nothing personal meant on my end South Central. I wish you the best to keep those pesky elders off your back!

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