"Youth book" said 97% of teenagers Masturbate...but none of them are Witnesses! Is this unrealistic?

by Witness 007 60 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Farkel

    I doubt that 97% of teenagers masturbate as a matter-of-course. They are too busying screwing.


  • Aeiouy

    Shamus, stop spanking yourself!

    I did it. My JW friend did it. 2 other of my JW friends did it. Regulary, I might add. Had a bad conscience for a long time, then I just stopped caring. Funny how I'm not homosexual. I must be one of the rare cases....


  • zagor

    Why do you think young dubs have such girly hands? They polish it regularly and its not from rubbing their shoes either..


  • finallysomepride

    Every JW male should be issued a pair of these

    Antimasturbation gloves as seen in the Melbourne Prison, they were once given to prisoners

    Sorry for the poor image, tried to find better on net.

  • finallysomepride


    100 % Bullshit!

    The other 3% are dickless so how can they

  • Edington

    As a teenager wracked with guilt because I 'weakly gave in to the unclean habit of 'SELF ABUSE' I used to pray to God to kill me if I did it again.

    Now tell me what was more harmful............having a tug, enjoying it & getting on with life or feeling so bad about it you struggle with suicidal thoughts because God's gonna kill you anyway.

    Those stupid old coggers in Brooklyn have so much bloodguilt on their hands & they don't even realise it!!


  • cantleave

    Baby boys don't take long to discover that touching themselves is pleasurable. They are hardly corrupt or doing an unnatural act. By making it dirty and sinful it becomes illicit and desirable. It is total foolishness teenagers have more to deal with in their lives than phoney baloney and this just adds to the problems.

    I would like the society to actually reference their statistics rather than making fatuous statements. Anything that has no source attributed to it should be ignored. In any academic setting it would be given no credance so why should we?

  • Married to the Mob
    Married to the Mob

    88.2% of statistics are made up on the spot!


  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    As a kid I didn't know what masturbation was until the "Youth" book taught me. Why can't they just leave innocence alone? Because fear and guilt are two of their greatest manipulative tools. They keep the teenage boys feeling guilty for being normal boys, and then maybe the kids will "do more" to assuage that guilt.

    Anyone who thinks those pathetic old geezers are harmless just aren't paying attention.

  • TardNFeatheredJW

    If it werent for the excellent topics raised during congregation study and personal study, I never would have learned before the age of 10:

    1) what masturbation is, and how to do it for male and female

    2) what oral sex is

    3) what anal sex is

    4) all about immoral practices, such as wife swapping

    5) homosexuality

    6) rape is fornication and women are just asking for with their scanty clothes, and the man should be pitied for being weak

    7) two members of the opposite sex are bound to be screwing like bunnies if left alone for a few minutes (unfortunately, this turned out to be a lie too)

    8) that my sinful mind is why the entire congregation is not being blessed with growth

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