Which book ,studied at the Book Study, you Hated or loved more????

by deep-blue-sea 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • highdose

    oh! and lets not forget the infamous Youth book! or as we used to call it " the red youth book" because every youth that had to read it in public or answer up got very red in the face. Those awfull sex chapters! No one would answer up in them at all! It would be left to the book study conductor to answer the questions and or his loyal wife, who i guess either felt sorry for him or knew she would be in for it later if she didn't help out.

    Is it my imagineation? Or did the GB manage to make sex sound like the most revolting awful thing you could ever do?

  • mrsjones5

    "Is it my imagineation? Or did the GB manage to make sex sound like the most revolting awful thing you could ever do?"

    It wasn't your imagination.

  • Cthulhu

    I look back, with particular disdain, on the revelation book. I hated it because for as much as I wanted to make myself believe that prophesy somehow did apply to the dubs, that book made it appear so stupid. I remember one particular night being unable to convince myself that the UNIVERSAL TRUMPET BLASTS were nothing more than the seven major conventions in Watchtower history. It just all seemed a little far fetched. That and the fact that it was so poorly written made it my least favorite book studied at the Kingdumb Hell.

  • nugget

    The later books are apalling and the writing is dire. Draw close to Jehovah is so bad. Bible studies are supposed to do this after the Bible Teach book. Draw close is self indulgent, pretentious nonsence. My Bible Study could only take 4 paragraphs before going into brain meltdown.

    Gods love book at the moment hard core stupidity. Tonights was a classic, don't talk about Satan or experiences with Demons because you are spreading propaganda for Satan. Hold on a minute don't most yearbooks and some true life experiences make much of wrestling with demonic forces. Weren't we in fact studying a whole chapter about the machinations of Satan and how to avoid them. Double speak at it's worst. That means noone can talk about smurfs any more and true life experiences will be "I was once a bad person did some serious occult stuff, but I'm all right now."

    Sorry about that but I had to go to the meeting today to forestall Elder visit so feeling particularly bitter. It was a shit evening.

  • edmond dantes
    edmond dantes

    I would say Babylon the Great book was the pits and I seem to remember that when we had studied it we had to do it all over again.It was a long time ago now and I remember saying to an elderly sister that it looked like the end for the UN, she just gave me a confused stare.Somebody else said to me that they didn't understand all of it as it was too deep but she would happily go along with whatever the Society told her to believe.

    I think that book must have done it for me because that was the last book I studied and within twelve months I stopped associating , best move I ever made .

    Imagine that ,45 years of freedom.

  • Think About It
    Think About It

    I look back, with particular disdain, on the revelation book. I hated it because for as much as I wanted to make myself believe that prophesy somehow did apply to the dubs, that book made it appear so stupid. I remember one particular night being unable to convince myself that the UNIVERSAL TRUMPET BLASTS were nothing more than the seven major conventions in Watchtower history. It just all seemed a little far fetched. That and the fact that it was so poorly written made it my least favorite book studied at the Kingdumb Hell.

    I actually liked the Revelation book study. I was a study conductor and could make it really interesting for people. But, yeah.....I have to agree, it was very far-fetched to believe that the trumpet blasts of Revelation corresponded to JW conventions of different years. But, what did we do? We read the paragraph, ask the question, got the answer from the paragraph and moved on.

    Do they still believe the trumpet blasts = conventions nonsense or has that changed also?

    Think About It

  • breathing

    the youth book and the "making you feel guilty for every thought" genre of jw books,

    god they made me just feel so, guilty and ashamed if i even breathed the wrong way

    my spirit was just being suffocated to death with all those books and they used to really labour the points on how one must feel/think/do this that or the other,

    Glad glad Glad to be out!!


  • dig692

    I hated the Revelation book because it read like a 12 year old had written it. I literally felt like I got dumber after reading it. That, and the latest book, Keep Yourselves In God's Love, or whatever its called, I can't remember just now, but most of the material in that book is ridiculous. Just recently we had the part about holidays and how wordly people only give gifts because they have to but jw's give gifts out of love...GAG! Seriously, they expect me to believe that crap? Although I guess 99% of the witlesses reading it do. And then the back of the book that talks about how to treat df'd people and why masterbation is bad...ugh that just made me angry!!

  • Magwitch

    That Youth Book was the worst - especially the chapter about growing into manhood. Wow, I remember having the family study with my parents, three brothers and sister. I had to read the paragraph about how the man lays very close to his wife for "intercourse". I was 12, and I much preferred my jr high friends description of "intercourse" much better.

  • eyeslice

    Deep-Blue-Sea - we must be about the same age. I just about remember studying the New Heavens and new Earth book when I was just a kid.

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