Which book ,studied at the Book Study, you Hated or loved more????

by deep-blue-sea 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • lancelink

    The james book was the worst for me/

  • kitten whiskers
    kitten whiskers

    My favorite was "The Greatest Man who ever Lived", about Jesus.We studied it 10-11 years ago, when our firstborn was a baby.

    I think it was the only time we ever focused on Jesus or love at a bookstudy. It refreshed my soul and I wished all the meetings were about Christ.

    I hated "God's Thousand year Reign" or some such book from when I was about 10 years old. The conductor would call on me when he thought I wasn't pay attention and embarrass me by asking questions from a book clearly not written for a child to comprehend. The conductor's annointed mother would also bring up points and he would "correct" her and tell her what the slaves interpretation or new knowledge was. He was such a jerk.

  • stillajwexelder

    The Isaiah books were horrible p -the Daniel book was exciting but a huge joke -identifying the Ships of Kittim as British ships sitting of Cyprus before 1930 was just plain ludicrous and actually very funny.

    Favorite book - The Greatest Man - you actaully were studying JESUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • WTWizard

    The books that explained prophesy were harmless enough, if a bit dry. However, I could not stand the Family Unhappiness book--absolutely nothing in that waste of paper "book" applied to me. And yet I was still supposed to be at the boasting sessions where they were discussing it. How am I supposed to be in a position to give "advice" about helping others raising their children while I was supposed to leave the opposite sex the fxxx alone? And, why would I want to so much as lift a finger for the congregation to raise their children when they didn't want me anywhere near the opposite sex? That book belongs in my shredder.

    While the other books lied and sometimes had rules that I could not agree to without having them thrown in my face later, at least they had minimal story value. The Creation book, while inaccurate, at least had some entertainment value (at least the parts where I could watch others flounder in the science part). Revelation was a story book--even though it was full of rules and bogus interpretations, it did make a good story if one could view it in that context (and keep it away from children under 8, who might not be able to tell it apart from reality). But, hardly was it worth going to a boasting session and being hounded to death just to listen to story time--they expected you to actually live according to this fiction.

    I agree that the Keep Yourselves in God's Tyranny book is sxxx. I have not been to a boasting session where they were discussing it, but I have seen Lukewarm's commentaries on the book. It is nothing more than a rule book. No sex, except according to some strict rules. No independent thinking. No celebrating anything. Do more field circus. Large portions of the book devoted to the "major problem(??)" of (gasp) masturbation. I view it as a complete waste of time to even go there--better to see it here, where at least I can comment according to what it actually is.

  • deep-blue-sea

    Resuming: we should charge a whole truck with all the stupid WT's books and give it to fire!!!!!!

    It is so sad for me to realize that I spent my whole life (63....eyeslice...more than 50 in the borg...) studying books which didn't elevate me, but they were only used by the WT to impress their doctrine in my mind, to dominate my thoughts and my life!!!! What a loss, what a waste of precious time!!!!


  • teel

    I'm with the "big crowd" of Isaiah book haters too. It had no structure, no logic, all a big dull mess.

    On the other hand I liked the David book. The fullfillment of prophecies were much more logical, and most were fulfilled a long time ago by big historical events - unlike 1919 and the rest of the "fullfillments" that went by largely unnoticed by the world.

  • Ancientofdays

    Worstever : "Daniel prophecy"

    Acceptable: "greatest man"

  • inbetween


    "gods rule" sorry, "Gods love"-book, its a list of do`s and do`nts, horrible for anybody in the conscious class...

    "isaiah" books, just plain boring, even a CO admitted that...


    "creator" book, required some thinking at least, and some some good explanations

    "revelation" book, I know, some weird reasonings and applications, 7 trumprets for example, but at least not a dictating rule book

    "daniel" book, same as revelation, and I love history...

  • teel

    Sorry, I just happened to re-read what I wrote, and can't edit any more.

    Of course I meant Daniel book, not David.

  • sir82
    The Isaiah books were the bane of my existence. I hated those books. God they sucked. They were the most boring repetitive pieces of trash I have ever read in my life. I don't think words could possibly describe how much I hated those books. Israel does bad stuff, gets punished, Big J welcomes 'em back.... Lather, rinse, repeat.

    I think I found my soul mate....

    You forgot the final part of the formula: "And this corresponds to the anointed's release from Babylonish captivity in 1919..."

    I think there were more uses of "1919" in that book than the word "the"!

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