Honesty in Field Service Reports....This week's CBS topic (among others)

by Open mind 41 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    This week's Congregation "Bible" Study included a paragraph devoted to honestly reporting Field Service activity.

    The drone running the show asked an Auxiliary Question (tm):

    "So, what could be some of the consequences if people weren't honest in reporting their Field Service?"

    I'll steal a mind-control phrase from the WT.....

    How Would You Reply?


  • undercover

    Consequences? As if there is some inquisition in place to investigate, interrogate and punish the R&F if they aren't honest in reporting their time?

  • WTWizard

    That has to be the lamest thing I have heard coming from that group. How are they going to make sure I actually put in the hours I claim? Especially if I am doing one hour a month--how do they know whether it was a real hour, a fake hour, or dummy service? Unless they are there to watch me every second, there is no way in hell that they are going to reasonably verify that it was fake.

    Not only that, but what of the hounders that turn in fake time slips on behalf of people that did zero field circus that month so they can appease the hounder-hounder? If the hounders are going to turn in fake slips on behalf of others, there is no way they can expect the publishers to be honest themselves.

    And for the record, I was honest in reporting my time. If I did zero hours, I simply did not put in a slip. Nor did I authorize the hounders to put in a fake slip on my behalf.

  • SixofNine

    "an end-of-year report from the society that shows 80% less preaching activity than last year?"

  • cantleave

    The consequences would be lower worldwide figures.

  • aSphereisnotaCircle

    How Would You Reply?

    My previous, Jdub self, would think "Jehovah would know, and me and the kids would die at the big A"

    My current self thinks "isn't that kind of counter productive of them to harass the R&F about accuracy? Don't they WANT those big, big numbers? The amount of hours is completely meaningless anyway, so the bigger the better!"

  • OnTheWayOut

    The consequences of not being accurate could be many more irregular and inactive publishers, causing more hounding.

    That or a lightning strike when you turn in the fake.

  • sir82

    "So, what could be some of the consequences if people weren't honest in reporting their Field Service?"

    If people weren't honest?

    Umm, seems to me the report would look exactly like it does now.

    Now, if the question were about consequences if people were honest in their reporting....

    How about a field service report at least 30%, maybe 50%, fewer hours than what is currently shown.

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    He actually used the word "consequences".

    I thought maybe he was going down OTWO's "lightning strike" route for a couple seconds.


  • willyloman

    Way back when I was a fledgling dub, I remember an elder counseling us at the meeting for service about keeping accurate time. One of the things he cautioned against was being too fanatical (my word, not his) about it. He used the illustration of two publishers working together all morning, then one counting their time as one hour while the other recorded two.

    The first, he said, was subtracting all the time between doors, the 10 minutes when they stopped for gas, and the 15 minutes they stopped for coffee, while the other counted time from when they got to the first door to when they left the last door. He said it wasn't necessary to discount the time by a few minutes here, a few minutes there, as long as that was directly related to the FS activity.

    I was later to learn that he failed to mention the "third" publisher, the one that counted time from the moment he left his house to the time he got home; he got three hours that day!

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