February 2010 Study Watchtower - Millions Now Living 'May' Never Die

by Marni Mai 72 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • DJPoetech

    Just did a search for the terms "millions living die" and found this thread.

    I just had a talk with my mom, who is, in my opinion, a liberal Jehovah's Witness.

    The statement "Millions now living may never die" is so provokative. Even with its softer version of may.

    It ultimately seems to be the basis, whether consciously or unconsciosly, of the belief system of the devout and backsliders in the borg.

    At the very least its a gamble because this religious organization is the only one offering life. Now that my mom is up in age, she continues to go because she thinks what she does will give us a better chance at life. No matter what her kids might believe.

    I didn't realize that fully until tonight.

    I see their pleasantly worded statement as befuddling as Satan telling Eve, "You positively not die!"

    Now I see that the witnesses are continuing to strongly promote the idea as recently as Feb 2010?... Maybe they know how deep in the psyche this terminology goes.

    Sorry to post this late but I am discovering further how this organization can control even those that consider themselves liberal.


  • Tech49

    I just recently noticed this curious little piece of work as well. A little research of my own prior to my finding this thread garnered the same results. I was going to post on the same subject, but came across one already done some years back.

    I was quite surprised by the obvious reference in the 2010 WT to the ORIGINAL title of the talk entitled "Millions Now Living MAY Never Die". From my search results in the WT Library CD, and the Online Version of the Library, this is the ONLY time that original talk title is mentioned....... just when it is needed most.

    ----> How dare the rest of you pull out "Old Light" to suit your needs! But WE can, so shut your trap.

    Within a short period of time, that name was changed, and the new title of "Millions Now Living WILL Never Die" was the one we heard about for decades.....

    Until we needed to hear a different message, one of "pass-the-buck", "point-the-finger".

    "But we NEVER said that!"

    Um, .............. sure. Fabulous little bit of propogandizing to get the desired results!

    Pitiful, just pitiful.

  • wasblind

    LOL, There was No " Maybe " about it


    " How Conviction is Manifested. The words that you use can do much to convey your conviction."

    " Regaurding the fulfillment of his word, Jehovah at times inspired his prophets to make emphatic statements, such as,

    " It will without fail come true." When you refer to these prophecies, you might use similar langauge. " ______Theocratic Ministry School book page195


    " Millions Now Living Will Never Die "


    " (8) Some who saw the events of 1914 will also see the complete destruction of the present wicked world." _____Reasoning book page 200



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