Who was the God of Abraham?

by cameo-d 101 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • jonathan dough
    jonathan dough

    The not-so-happy guy stuck this in my PM. Why hide?

    You threaten me and hide behind your so-called 'god'.

    I will meet you anyplace, anytime and give you an opportunity to make your threats to my face. you religious hypocrites make me sick. You talk about your piety and your love and your forgiveness and then someone disagrees with you and you want your god to torment them for eternity.

    fuck you you goddam motherfucking piece of shit.

    Err, ... if I didn't know better I'd say you have a demon or two. Can't help you there. Why are you filled with so much utter hatred? What did they do to you in the Gulf?

    I never said I hated your fictional character.

    Sounds like it to me when you call your creater a demon. And if you don't hate him then you most certainly hate His people. Educate yourself about who He is before you say such horrible things. This is a good start right here: http://144000.110mb.com/trinity/index.html By the way, He didn't force you to go to the Gulf. That was your choice and your choice alone. So don't blame what happened to you on Him.

  • HappyGuy

    jonathan dough,

    its none of your business what they did to me.

    You keep using this word hate. I am standing up for myself to a bully. No hate involved at all. I just won't tolerate your abusiveness. You seem to be the one obsessed with hate.

    Its interesting that you didn't also quote the posts where you threatened me which is what led me to send that PM. So, you are not only a hypocrite you are also dishonest.

  • jonathan dough
    jonathan dough
    You are the one threatening people with eternal torture and saying you will be glad when it happens.

    Please don't put words in my mouth. I don't believe in eternal torture or that God plans on doing that to anyone. That is your misconception of what Christendom teaches. They brainwashed you on that one as well. And I most certainly will not be glad when death and pain accompanies Judgment Day or when people get their dues or when billions are vanquished at Armagedon. I'm not like that. This is what I believe: http://144000.110mb.com/index.html

  • cameo-d

    and meanwhile.....

    this is the longest thread I have ever had. 5 pages already!

    More cartoons please, Frankie.

  • HappyGuy

    jonathan dough,

    you are a liar, your posts where you threatened me and were gleeful about it are all in the forum for everyone to see.

    I don't have any misconceptions of what "Christendom" teaches. I know exactly what they teach.

    If you wont be glad when "people get their dues" then why did you threaten me with your god's judgement day, not once but multiple times?

    You are despicable and I have nothing further to say to you.

  • jonathan dough
    jonathan dough
    Its interesting that you didn't also quote the posts where you threatened me which is what led me to send that PM. So, you are not only a hypocrite you are also dishonest.

    Why would I repost what is there for everyone to see. Right in plain site. There it is.

    I'm abusive? I'm the bully? You're the one who called Jehovah a demon.

  • jonathan dough
    jonathan dough
    you are a liar, your posts where you threatened me and were gleeful about it are all in the forum for everyone to see.

    You have a very strange notion of what "threatening" means since you're the one who called me out to the playground so you could bloody my nose.

    I don't have any misconceptions of what "Christendom" teaches. I know exactly what they teach.

    That's obviously not true if you were a JW because they got it all wrong and I can prove that.

    If you wont be glad when "people get their dues" then why did you threaten me with your god's judgement day, not once but multiple times?

    Telling you that you'll get it maybe on Judgment Day isn't a threat. I'm not involved in that end at all; I'm just passing along the Bible's clear message. It's an admonishion, a warning to watch what you say about the Almighty, about your blasphemy and heresy. And if that's considered a threat, by golly, I stand by it proudly and without reservation. I believe the NT message is Repent or Else! And you consider that a threat?

    You are despicable and I have nothing further to say to you.

    Praise the Lord - that would be the Triune God of the Bible, the one we all answer to, of which you can learn more about right here and since you mentioned it, the one the JWs lied to you about: http://144000.110mb.com/trinity/index.html#1

  • cameo-d

    Quit spamming the board with that website, jonathan dough.

  • jonathan dough
    jonathan dough
    Quit spamming the board with that website, jonathan dough.

    Hey you, that's off topic. How dare you change the subject. Read the posting guidelines why don't you!!! Which links are you talking about?

    You mean this one? DELETED

    Or this one? DELETED

    Or is this the one you are referring to. DELETED

    Look here, you thick-headed clown, go read the posting guidelines, apply them equally across the board in all categories and quit being such a flaming hypocrite. You're just trying to shut down what I'm saying because you can't handle the truth, and for the record those links were not spam if you read the guidelines carefully.

    Or maybe you meant this one, right here. DELETED

    Which were you talking about?

  • frankiespeakin

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