Who was the God of Abraham?

by cameo-d 101 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Inkie

    Happy Guy:

    Obviously, you are not too happy with the God identified in the Bible. Truthfully, I can’t blame you on that score. But, if truth be told, the God of the Bible is not “the God.” The scribes have misrepresented who Jah was/is. The God you are describing is a misrepresented and maligned God. The scribes have attributed to him things that are not true about him. God’s reputation has been slandered and maligned. Do you not get that?

    You write: If you listed out all fo the crimes that he boastfully took credit for in the OT you will have a list thousands and thousands of incidents long.” My point though is this: Jah has never taken credit, boastfully or otherwise, for any “crimes.” You, in fact, are like the scribes who wrote falsely concerning Jah. You too easily believe what you have been told by liars (religious leaders) and writers (scribes and writers of various publications). Do you not realize that was necessary for the Christ to come to tell the truth about his God and Father that was so misrepresented by the scribes?

    Christ said (to paraphrase a biblical text): ‘If you have seen me, you have seen the Father.’ You answer me this HappyGuy: From what you know about Jesus Christ, would he have done any of the things you here have attributed to God? If you answer No, then know that because Jesus is the image of God, the exact representation of His being, neither did God do these “crimes” you speak of.


  • HappyGuy


    Well now you insult me.

    You, in fact, are like the scribes who wrote falsely concerning Jah. You too easily believe what you have been told by liars (religious leaders) and writers (scribes and writers of various publications).

    I dont get my information from religious leaders. I DETEST religious leaders. I don't read religious publications. I HAVE read the OT hundreds of times from cover to cover. I have researched it thoroughly using interlinears and concordances and encyclopedias. So, I don't know what you are talking about here. Neither do you, you don't know me.

    Now, if you are saying that the incidents described in the version of the OT which came to us from the dead sea scrolls is somehow a fake and this is not "god", well I can't do anything about that.

    I am not talking about Jesus, I am talking about the demon who was called Jehovah. I don't know who Jesus was talking about, but that has nothing to do with Jehovah's behavior and qualities. The "god" described in the NT is not the same "god" as the demon Jehovah.

    If you want me to take what the NT says about Jesus as "fact", then I must also be able to take the OT as "fact", you cannot have it both ways. The only proof you have for Jesus words is the NT. So, if you are saying "oh don't believe the OT, it is lies". You cannot then say "but DO believe the NT because IT tells us that it is the word of God, er I mean Jesus who is God but isn't God.

  • Satanus

    Since abraham was from babylon, his god would have come from the babylonian pantheon. He liked human sacrifice.


  • HappyGuy
    Since abraham was from babylon, his god would have come from the babylonian pantheon. He liked human sacrifice.

    Which was my point. Jehovah is a demon from an earlier mythology.

  • cameo-d

    Inkie...No. It was not Jah.

    Justitia...No. It was not Allah. (Allah is a chunk of obsidian.)

    Tithes were supposed to be paid to god. To whom did Abraham pay his tithes?

  • cameo-d

    C'mon. Any Freemasons out there? They should know.

  • OnTheWayOut

    If the Bible is true, I wouldn't want to serve that God that Abraham wound up serving.
    "Get up and leave here." "Cast your son out of here." "Sacrifice your son." All the blood and gore.

    Fortunately, it is well established that the Jews did not come out of Egypt but out of the locals from Canaan. They didn't establish zones of the 12 tribes, so they almost certainly did not come from the grandsons of a guy named Abraham and the stories are just stories. So there isn't really a god like the one in the Bible.

    Abraham is pretty important to the Jews and the Muslims. He probably really did exist, but who knows the real story? The Bible story buries the real story.

  • AGuest

    Dearest Cameo-d... may you have peace!

    Was Abraham Jewish?

    No. A Jew is one descended from the tribe of Judah (directly) and Benjamin (indirectly because that tribe attached itself to Judah in order to not become extinct). Abraham was the grandfather of Jacob (renamed "Israel"), who was the father of Judah.... from whom the Jews descend. Thus, Abraham could not have been a Jew... because Jews had not yet come into existence when he was alive.

    Hebrews are descendants from Eber. Israelites INCLUDE Jews (the 2-tribe kingdom of Judah and Benjamin) AND the Samaritans (the 10-tribe kingdom of Israel - Jacobs other 10 sons).

    I bid you peace.

    A slave of Christ,


  • cameo-d

    OTWT: "So there isn't really a god like the one in the Bible. "

    can you clarify that? Are you saying there is only one god in the bible?

  • Inkie

    Happy Guy: I did not mean to insult you. Having done so, I apologize. That certainly was not my intent. My intent was to show you that the words you speak regarding your description of the true God is false. That's all.

    Concerning your statement as follows, I have only one question.

    "If you want me to take what the NT says about Jesus as "fact", then I must also be able to take the OT as "fact", you cannot have it both ways. The only proof you have for Jesus words is the NT. So, if you are saying "oh don't believe the OT, it is lies". You cannot then say "but DO believe the NT because IT tells us that it is the word of God, er I mean Jesus who is God but isn't God."

    Question: Ifone can trust the NT, which states that the OT is riddled with falsehoods, why would you "believe" the OT? Nevertheless, one cannot believe entirely the OT or the NT. Once can, however, believe the Christ when he speaks to you.

    Again, I apologize for the mistaken insult. That is not something that I would intentionally do.


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