Who was the God of Abraham?

by cameo-d 101 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • jonathan dough
  • HappyGuy

    jonathan dough wrote:

    It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. I forget the quote.

    Look hypocrite, either respond to the facts that I posted or get off the fucking board but enough with the threats. So that is an example of your "Christian" love? To threaten someone who disagrees with you with eternal torture at the hands of your make believe god?

    Wow, Christianity is really something to beholld in action.

  • jonathan dough
    jonathan dough
    get off the fucking board

    Proverbs 1:26, 27

  • jeremiahjs

    Happy, I belive Jesus is the Son of God himself. I belive God let sent him to save us and reflect and show God's glory and show the good news to the world. Jesus is the light, the way and the truth. He is alive again in spirit and returned to his Father preparing their Kingdom. Jesus is Lord, king, ruler and link between us and God. And all that hate comes from the dark side of the force 'star wars'. Loose the hate, Jesus even said love your enemy. And those God had put to death back in the day are better off dying for their sins than worshiping false gods alive. God might well have mercy on their souls for they did not understand what wrong they worshiped. Most of thes tribes were probably doing really bad nasty hurtful traditions and would probably not have been able to live by the Law that the Isrealites followed and later may have been stoned to death to pay for their sins. Im sure God did what he did to save as much of what's important to Him - our immortal souls, not mortal ones.

    Jon, And to this day i continue testing my belifes thas part of what im doing now. You help bring to my knowlege some things about the jws. They do put themselves on a pedastal with their 'truth'. I view the jws as one of the stricter denominations, and of course have their own opinions of what they bible says. They hurt more with their truth than with their lies though. I would't belive nothing but what's easy to get out of the bible, what has happened, what is happening, and what will happen. This world has been attacked by the devil scince mankind's origin, the truth is buried under many, many lies and distractions. Satan does everything in his power to turn us away from God and hide God and Make God's word corrupt. God has done everything He needed to do to save as many of us as possable for His Kingdom, staying hidden until we are ready not to turn away from Him.

  • jeremiahjs

    Why are you on a religous site if you don't belive in God Happy?

  • jonathan dough
    jonathan dough
    Jon, And to this day i continue testing my belifes thas part of what im doing now. You help bring to my knowlege some things about the jws. They do put themselves on a pedastal with their 'truth'. I view the jws as one of the stricter denominations, and of course have their own opinions of what they bible says. They hurt more with their truth than with their lies though. I would't belive nothing but what's easy to get out of the bible, what has happened, what is happening, and what will happen. This world has been attacked by the devil scince mankind's origin, the truth is buried under many, many lies and distractions. Satan does everything in his power to turn us away from God and hide God and Make God's word corrupt. God has done everything He needed to do to save as many of us as possable for His Kingdom, staying hidden until we are ready not to turn away from Him.


    I can't disagree with any of that. Well said. Keep testing. No one has all the answers, except the atheists and God-haters.

  • HappyGuy


    and why do you believe all this?

  • jonathan dough
    jonathan dough
    Why are you on a religous site if you don't belive in God Happy?

    That's a very good question. What are those people doing here? What good can they possibly be doing? They have nothing to offer. No hope, no future, just bad. Some might help those gettng out, but they offer nothing viable in return. Just hate.

  • HappyGuy
    Why are you on a religous site if you don't belive in God Happy?

    I thought this was an ex JW site. Didn't know it was only a religious site.

  • HappyGuy
    That's a very good question. What are those people doing here? What good can they possibly be doing? They have nothing to offer. No hope, no future, just bad. Some might help those gettng out, but they offer nothing viable in return. Just hate.

    You are the one threatening people with eternal torture and saying you will be glad when it happens. I don't see anyone else doing that. I have never seen such descpicable hate speech before.

    I never said I hated your fictional character. I merely pointed out what the Old Testament says about him. Still waiting for that refutation of any of the posts I made.

    So now you have elevated yourself from telling people what they can and cannot say to which forums they can and cannot visit. Wow you are very powerful. How did you get all this power? Let me guess, your dog told you that "God" gave it to you?

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