Who was the God of Abraham?

by cameo-d 101 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • HappyGuy
    Turning water into wine is inlogical, but i still belive Jesus did it.


    Why do you believe that Jesus did this?

  • cameo-d

    Well I suppose this thread has turned into a free for all.

    You newbies seem to have no conception of staying on toipic.

    Do you know what "hijacking" a thread is?

    Jonathan dough quit spamming the board with your website. The material you referenced there has nothing to do with the subject matter of this thread.

    Damn silly to watch you people argue over some primitive volcano god.

  • jonathan dough
    jonathan dough
    Well I suppose this thread has turned into a free for all.

    You mean like this question of yours? "Why does the Pope switch out his fish hat for a Yarmulke?"

    Or where you bring up the trinity? "Does it really make any sense to you that the three strangers are "God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit"???

    Someone raises an issue, I get to respond. That's the way it works. If it's over your head why don't you go for a walk around the block.

    You don't OWN the thread. If you don't like it, skip over it and quit being so childish. Threads split all the time. Quit acting like a school marm.

  • HappyGuy
    Damn silly to watch you people argue over some primitive volcano god.

    That was my point. Abraham was from Chaldea, Chaldea was part of Babylonia. Jehovah was a demon or demi-god (not sure what the difference is) of the Babylonian mythology. The actions of this demon as recounted in the Old Testament show this clearly. All this other "information" is just the attempts of these defenders of the demon to deflect away from the truth of their "god".

  • jonathan dough
    jonathan dough
    Jehovah was a demon or demi-god

    Watch your mouth. You'll never see it coming.


  • HappyGuy

    jonathan dough

    stop threatening me and stop trying to censor my speech. If your "god" is really a god then he can do his own threatening, he doesn't need you to do it for him. I give facts to back up what I say, address the facts if you disagree but don't tell me to shut up.

  • frankiespeakin
  • frankiespeakin

    The Bible's Book Of Job (as seen by South Park)


  • HappyGuy
    As for your facts, they are delusions of your mind. You don't believe in God and if you do you hate him because you have something vile to hide, some deep dark secret that you are horribly ashamed of and that's the only reason you stay up late at night convincing yourself that nobody is watching and that you are not accountable. When you call Jehovah a demon you have crossed the line. You've been warned. HE knows where you live.

    All the facts that I gave were quotes directly from the Old Testament. Are you saying that the Old Testament is a delusion?

    I don't hate fictional characters.

    Something vile to hide? Something I am ashamed of? No sir, I cleaned my soul of all that stuff years and years ago.

    I stay up late at night because I was injured in the first gulf war and I refuse to take pain medication and I don't sleep much.

    Not accountable? Accountable for what? I have always taken full responsbility for everything that I have said and done.

    I listed 4 pages of facts that prove that the "god"of the Old Testament is a dangerous psychopath who delights in murder, torture, rape, cannibalism, slavery, and other crimes. I am still waiting for your refutation of ONE of those facts. Here is the link to the posts. http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/watchtower/beliefs/185457/2/Understanding-JUDGMENT-DAY

    The only way you respond is with personal attacks. Is that your "CHristianity" showing? Hypocrite.

  • jonathan dough
    jonathan dough

    Not so Happy wrote:

    I listed 4 pages of facts that prove that the "god"of the Old Testament is a dangerous psychopath who delights in murder, torture, rape, cannibalism, slavery, and other crimes. I am still waiting for your refutation of ONE of those facts.

    It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. I forget the quote.

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