Is it sexual harassment...

by keyser soze 129 Replies latest jw friends

  • Violia

    I can't edit my post so I just have to add this- before you stare first you need to decide how good looking you are. It may be ok if you are attractive. It may not be if you are not.

  • beksbks

    Actually Violia, it sounds like a darn good rule. Leering is so uncool.

  • musky

    Good place to meet people?

  • AGuest

    and gals. Take a "look" at this (and peace to you!). I am not trying to pick at straws. Someone asked if looking at the woman's rear is sexual harassment. It is, but you don't have to take my word for it:

    And, yes, most companies only push the trainings to cover their own butts... just in case they ARE sued ("We have a 'No Sexual Harassment' Policy").

    Done here... and moving on.

    Peace, all!

    A slave of Christ,


  • AllTimeJeff


    I may have missed this if someone didn't comment on it, but an employee of any company must wear clothing in accord with the clearly stated guidelines of their HR dept. Anything revealing or provocative is always banned, and could subject the employee to discipline up to dismissal.

    So we are talking about see through pants and a thong? That is entirely inappropriate in the first place and THAT should be reported. It could be argued that any woman wearing such clothing in a professional work place are themselves guilty of sexual harrasment by creating a hostile work environment.

    A hostile work environment is any situation or circumstance where ones job is adversly affected due to behavior or circumstances created by another, in this case, the womans choice of clothing.

    I would report her @$$. (so to speak)

  • musky

    "an employee of any company must wear clothing in accord with the clearly stated guidelines of their HR dept"

    So,I should probably wear something over the thongs then?

  • John Doe
    John Doe
    I would report her @$$. (so to speak)

    Why in the world would you do that????

  • AllTimeJeff


    Unless your boss wears felt everyday with a pimped out fedora, probably...

  • beksbks

    Thongs musky? We aren't allowed to wear open toed shoes.

  • noontide

    Ok, I pulled my CA Labor Law Digest. It states (pg. 973), "staring MAY be harassment." It mentions a case where a female employee alleged a male employee stared at her 2 to 10 times each day, lasting from several seconds to 10 minutes. The court found that a violiation could be found based on a PATTERN of overt sexual harassment (the staring).

    So there has to be a pattern. A one time event (or ISOLATED events) of staring is not considered harassment.

    I guess it boils down to, if you are going to look, don't be a perv and do it discretely.

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