by Girlie 79 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • BathroomServant1

    The user name came from the feeling I felt serving. I was the go-to guy in our hall, the youngest of the appointed men, therefore the one that was supposed to do everything. I had so much piled on my plate and felt so overwhelmed working with brothers that didn't want to do their own easy tasks, so I got stuck doing everything.

    I would rather had been the Bathroom Servant for sure.... better than the other type of shit I'm dealing with.

  • Spook
    Christ was not anywhere near the world; if Christ were here today do you imagine that he would be walking around in baggy pants or with earrings in his ear?

    He spent most of his life fishing and wore the clothing of the common workers of his time. He did not artificially emulate the wealthy merchant class (wearing suits) or focus on his outward appearance at all, ever, once in the slightest way. When were his apostles counseled about their garb? No - they picked up their things and followed, they didn't go home and change.

    I could easily imagine him in baggy pants and an ear-ring. He seemed to freely give people easy reasons to irrationally dismiss him.

    But I go on...if he ever existed he's never coming back.

    Endless phobias and circular arguments. Does he judge your heart (character) or your actions? A mix of both? They seem to have no idea.

  • jeanniebeanz

    What breaks my heart is that so many people have utterly wasted their lives, bound in fear to a group of idiots who think they speak for god... Makes me want to throw up...


  • Blue Grass
    Blue Grass

    Snowbird says: Girlie, I believe they're hoping the token-Negro-turned-MLK will fire up things!

    "Token Negro"? I shouldn't be suprised that a person from Alabama is racist, but it really doesn't matter what you uneducated rednecks think anyway.

  • mrsjones5

    ""Token Negro"? I shouldn't be suprised that a person from Alabama is racist, but it really doesn't matter what you uneducated rednecks think anyway."

    Snowbird/Sylvia is a black woman

  • John Doe
    John Doe


    Main Entry: plat·i·tude Pronunciation: \ ' pla-t?- ? tüd, - ? tyüd\ Function: noun Etymology: French, from plat flat, dull Date: 1812

    1: the quality or state of being dull or insipid
    2: a banal, trite, or stale remark

    Had to look that one up.

  • awildflower

    Someone heard this same talk in '73, and when I lived in Maine 8 years ago now, he was a "guest" at our hall and we heard the exact same talk too! God the are desperate!

  • LouBelle

    Same regurgitated shit, different day.

    Outlaw - you're on the money

  • isaacaustin

    Loubelle, you, I and everyone else here have heard this same talk so many times over....except the time period this is supposed to happen in....It has been any day now since 1914.

  • lepermessiah

    Old Slammin' Sammy Herd.

    The first time I met the guy, I didnt like him because he was one of those typical ex-military guys who liked to use intimidation and fear with the congregations. He used to scare the crap out of the elders in the area. He was a stickler for time and would put a huge red card right over your outline telling you to get off the platform if you went overtime!! Nice to see that his talks are still the same!

    We had a CO like that too - he used his military training to intimidate people - Wow, isnt that a Christ-like trait?

    I couldnt help but see the few mentions of Herd being a black man. That ALWAYS bothered me as a kid, since we had a lot of black friends in the congregations in the area, and I always wondered, "Why would Jehovah choose only old white men to be anointed?"

    The congregations in our area that were primarily black were extremely warm and friendly, and the folks there were usually really kind and zealous people. I could never figure out why Jehovah would not "annoint" such wonderful, friendly people.

    It then reminded me of South Park and the character Token:

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