Hubby is Researching 607...

by cognac 183 Replies latest jw friends

  • scholar

    Ann O Maly

    Post 1107

    The Insight article explains the methodology for using the regnal years, 18th and 19th ending in 607 BCE as the Fall of Jerusalem. You are correct in stating that the Bible does not tellus how to use regnal years and that is why we have the science of chronology which is based on methodology and interpretation.

    Your post 1104 simply prefers 587 BCE but serious scholars prefer 586 BCE so this shows that your methodology is deficient so the smart thing to do is to take notice of the celebrated WT scholars.

    I have followed your debates on this subject with Furuli and Wrench so I have a good idea of your attitude and bias. Furuli will be forwarding the articles from the Catastrophism Review which includes Furuli's response to Jonsson and vice versa.

    Your observation on Furuli is misguided and plain wrong because Furuli is a competent scholar who has the ability to work with the primary sources, something that most WT critics cannot do and he has made real holes in the traditional chronology or at least brought the entire edifice under the microscope.

    There is much more to Furuli's thesis than the use of a astro program because Furuli has dealt with the primary source materials firts hand rather than relying on orthodox tyransaltions which is the practice of Jonsson. Furuli told me by phone last night that he in fact is revising his First volume and he has used a astro program which viondicates 455 BCE.

    scholar JW

  • scholar


    Post 607

    This is simply done because 625 BCE was Neb's accession year followed by 624 BCE as his 1st regnal year counting from Nisan.

    scholar JW

  • scholar


    Posts 3818

    Josephus quite emphaticaly on at least 4 occasions in his Antiquities that the seventy years not fifty was period from the Fall to the Return marked by exile desolation and servitude which is exactly what the celebrated WT scholars have been telling the international scholarly community for several decades.

    scholar JW

  • jonathan dough
  • hotspur

    Nice to know Furili is only a 'competent' scholar not a 'celebrated' scholar.

  • boyzone


    I've dealt with characters like you before. You put yourself and others like Furuli on a pedestal and claim to be "scholars" but your clear WT agenda gives you away. To start with a "must prove it correct" date like 607 is a flawed premise to begin with and not a scholarly or scientific basis for starting research. The Society NEED 607 to be correct, everything else you and Furuli espouse stems from this one premise, therefore your whole approach is one of bias.

    When Jonsson began his research on 607 it wasn't with a view to proving it wrong. He had been a Witness for 20 years and began his research in response to a query from a householder. He wasn't trying to disprove 607 but validate it.

    You only vilify Jonsson because he found that the Society are historically, biblically and intellectually wrong when it comes to 607 and wasn't afraid to say so. Its this fact that sends the likes of you and Furili in a spin - after all, we all know what the disproving of 607 means to the Society's claim don't we? It deals the whole Organization a death blow from which it can't recover.

    As Witnesses such a thought is untenable for you and Furuli, hence the biased agenda that underpins any research or treatise you write - and that, I believe is the real issue here

  • isaacaustin


    Posts 3818

    Josephus quite emphaticaly on at least 4 occasions in his Antiquities that the seventy years not fifty was period from the Fall to the Return marked by exile desolation and servitude which is exactly what the celebrated WT scholars have been telling the international scholarly community for several decades.

    scholar JW

    'Scholar'- I have not looked thru this in awhile but Josephuswas QUITE clear in his last chapter in the Apion that it was 50 years, not 70. Those WT pseudo-scholars simply need this date to work, or they are kaput.

  • isaacaustin

    'scholar'- you are wrong again- Nebs ascension year was 605BCE. The WT changed this to suit their many other dates.

  • isaacaustin

    "Scholar"- you revealed to us who these 'celebrated WT pseudoscholars are- JWs/Russelites/ETC. Your posts surely provide entertainment value, but not much else.

  • DJK

    I have to wonder how Chucky could be the "ONLY" person to have found some documentation that proves Jeruselem fell in 607bc.

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