My Step-Son Called at 2 AM and Threaten Physical Harm

by Yizuman 86 Replies latest social family

  • Yizuman

    You need to understand, everytime she talks to him, he'll start talking crap about me. That's it. All because he blew his stack and punched me in the stomach and destroyed our property in the process and he blames me for throwing him out for it. Goes to show he's not sorry for what he did.

    As of late, the talk from him is about me. Now if he wants to talk about something else other than me, then I'm fine with it. But I'm not fine with the fact that he's making my wife cry and feel miserable because he's not sorry for what he did to us. Moreso, he calls her a bitch, tells her to go to hell and all that crap.

    So I'm in the wrong for protecting her from all that?

    He's the good guy because he destroyed our property, physically harmed me, called his mom a bitch and tells her to go to hell. And he should continue to mentally and emotionally abuse her over the phone.



  • brinjen

    Yizuman... none of that changes the facts that a) your wife is a grown women who is capable of making her own decisions and b) you have no right trying to interfere with someone's family. No one said your step son is the "good guy" (geez why do people think there always has to be a good and bad side to everything?) but you really are interfering where you just don't have to right to interfere.

  • nelly136

    ***she may get upset when she sees him and he may be an arsehole or whatever ***

    nup definately didnt say he was a good guy

    its still your wifes basic human right to choose who she does and doesnt want to talk to.

  • Yizuman
    its still your wifes basic human right to choose who she does and doesnt want to talk to.

    It may be so, but is it right for my step-son to put his own mother into alot of emotional and mental anquish because he's mad as hell because she stands up for me and agrees that I did the right thing by throwing him out, despite of the fact that I compromised with her instead of outrught pressed charges against him for assault and destruction of property?

    I may sounds like I am being overprotective, but I have to make my wife's current health a high priority. My step son has no consideration of her health, so who has to do that?

    I do sympathize with her wanting to talk to her son because she loves him and no one should hold that against her.

    But alright, I'll tell you what, I'll let her talk to him, but only when I am here and I will be carefully screening her facial expressions.

    Question: the second she starts crying, should I hang up on him?


  • nelly136

    surely its her decision to hang up when shes ready? (even if he makes her cry)

    you said he is a product of previous marriages abuse in an earlier post, so your wife is probably quite torn over the way he's turned out.

    the best thing you can do if he makes her cry is give her a big cuddle afterwards with no ''i told you so's'' , that way youre not being the ogre keeping her from her son and he's the one making her cry not you.

  • Deceived

    I am fairly new here but have been following a bit of Yizuman threads. My goodness I feel so bad for his wife and her health problems. I don't want to go back 7 years of threads here but Yizuman are you or your wife exjw's? Just don't ever seem to see anything but the problems of life on the threads, not problems with life as an exjw. Not being sarcastic, just curious. I have to say Yiz thatyou do not seem to have a dull moment lately and I do hope your wife is feeling better, I feel for her. I have acquired some very serious health problems recently that have affected my mobility and my husband has to to a lot of things for me and all the housework now. I am a exjw but my life problems now are not anything to do with being in the religion other than not having a career.

    Velvet aka Deceived

  • Yizuman
    surely its her decision to hang up when shes ready? (even if he makes her cry)

    What concerns me (and scares me) is that when one goes into a emotional turmoil, it can have a very adverst effect on one's current medical condition. She's prone to depression and also, she has high blood pressure problems. I'm just afriad that he could somehow cause her to become more sicker and maybe even die.

    you said he is a product of previous marriages abuse in an earlier post, so your wife is probably quite torn over the way he's turned out.

    He is, his dad is the biggest a-hole the planet, from all the stories my wife told me about him. Did I ever say that at one time this little frack used a broken steel handled broomstick and whack her stump leg with it? And he also hit her over the head and left a dent in it. Thank god she has a hard head, he could've killed her.

    He also beat her up severly while she was pregnant with my step son. He's brought nothing but hell to the family. He molested his daughter twice while growing up. My wife discovered that she was molested at the age of 2 because she noticed her behavioral changes at that age when she was changing her diapers, she thought it was strange, but didn't think much of it until way later. He did it again when she was 12 with her sitting next to him on the couch and he ran his hand up her dress and fondled her. (I swear if he ever shows up at my doorstep, he's gonna wish he never had)

    Oh she also told me that he called his ex-wife late one night after they got divorced while drunk and threaten to molest her daughter again if she didn't answer the phone.

    the best thing you can do if he makes her cry is give her a big cuddle afterwards with no ''i told you so's'' , that way youre not being the ogre keeping her from her son and he's the one making her cry not you.

    I hold her everyday, her hand, a hug, you name it. I'm there no matter what. I don't even have to say a word to her, just us being together says more than words can express.


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