My Step-Son Called at 2 AM and Threaten Physical Harm

by Yizuman 86 Replies latest social family

  • Yizuman
    Try hugging and/or hand holding until she falls asleep. She might like that better than watching you type.

    I just did and she's asleep now.

    I get on this board because I AM ANGRY! When I was young, I was taught to write about it when I am angry, share it, talk about it, don't hold it in and keep it to myself. It'll make things worse for myself. Just keeping it to myself is not a sign of strength, but rather the opposite.

    Are you drunk or just a complete asshole?

    He's both, it's called the lack of reading comprehension. He no has them. Priest, I did call the cops! Got it?

    I have also been harrassed and stalked. I understand how it makes you feel, like you are not in control.
    You are doing the best you can. I'll be thinking of you and praying for you.
    Peace to you tonight.

    Thank you, we'd appreciate it. Speaking on behalf of my wife too.

    Yiz, I read on another board that your wife had a trache in her, when did she have to have it put back in?

    She never had it taken off. Just the ventilator. That's why she was in a respiratory hospital, to wean her off of the dependancy of the respirator. The doctor says she also has sleep anemia, but she refuses to use a special machine to help her breath because she doesn't like things on her face, she has a phobia about that. But I have observed her sleeping and showed no problems with it. Thus far.

    Snoozy: Just because someone does not automatically believe an anonymous poster does not make those same someones 'heartless idiots.'

    Anonymous? Sounds like you got a lot of room to talk, if I am interpreting your meaning correctly.

    Right now, I'm afraid to sleep, too concerned for both our safety. Until I feel it's safe to sleep in the next hour or two, I will head to bed. Been pacing back and forth looking out the windows to see any signs of him. I'm very nervous and scared.


  • Hopscotch

    Yiz sorry to hear what you are going through, it must be very frightening for you and your wife. About the dog thing - is there anywhere you can get an ex guard dog? Maybe someone that is a guard dog trainer might be able to give you some advice on this. Sometimes the dog shelters have dogs that have been well trained but for various reasons the owners can't keep them. Just a thought. Even if you can't get or don't want a guard dog, just even having a dog around can make you feel safer. I have a poodle and I tell you he has scared the wits out of grown men with his barking! At least it would alert your wife who could alert you. It's just a thought.

    Wising you and your wife all the best.


  • Yizuman
    Yiz sorry to hear what you are going through, it must be very frightening for you and your wife. About the dog thing - is there anywhere you can get an ex guard dog? Maybe someone that is a guard dog trainer might be able to give you some advice on this. Sometimes the dog shelters have dogs that have been well trained but for various reasons the owners can't keep them. Just a thought. Even if you can't get or don't want a guard dog, just even having a dog around can make you feel safer. I have a poodle and I tell you he has scared the wits out of grown men with his barking! At least it would alert your wife who could alert you. It's just a thought.
    Wising you and your wife all the best.

    I do recall an obedience school for dogs 2 towns south of me. I could look into it. I believe they train k9 dogs for the police/sheriff department.

    Thanks for the advice,


  • Yizuman

    Well, took a last rounds of looking out the windows and am deciding to go to bed.

    I'm keeping the computer on and the lamp beside my computer on (she has her own lamp next to her bed that stays on all night, she's afraid of the dark) so if he comes around and peeks at the window and sees my computer on, he'll think I'm awake. He knows I shut it down at night before bed.

    Nite everyone.


  • Snoozy

    Uzzah, I learned a long time ago that trusting is the best way to go. If someone is not who they say time will tell all.

    I also learned that if you have a problem believing someone is telling the truth it is better to just go on about your own business unless someone appointed you the post monitor..It just makes you look sad and vindictive to make accusations.

    Years ago a scam was pulled on another board and I too had my doubts. I didn't say anything but a few posters did accuse me of being cruel to that person as I never said "Oh poor thing" like they did. I never sent cards like they did. Heck they even called that person and talked to them..(or so they thought). It took years but finally it was discovered to be a hoax, a joke made up by some long time favored posters who sat back and laughed at all the posters that were taken in. When it was discovered much later, the ones that supported her before her so called death..were for the most part glad they did comfort that imaginary person. What if they had done the opposite and scorned that person, and the person was the end they were glad because they had a clear conscience.

    The only thing I can see in not trusting someone here is are afraid to be made a fool of...

    Yizuman has been around for some time, heck I even found a You tube he posted..and a deaf chat room he goes to. The man obviously has problems. Sometimes they are so great and so many they are hard to believe. No one can have it THAT tough..surely. But I will give him the benefit of the doubt. I like him as a poster, I feel bad for all his hardships, and I will emotionally support him all I can.

    If I didn't believe him..I would ignore him rather than make myself look like a hard hearted B..

  • Yizuman
    Yizuman has been around for some time, heck I even found a You tube he posted..and a deaf chat room he goes to.

    I have a YT account, what is it you've seen that made you have a problem with?

    What deaf chat room? I don't go to a deaf chat room, the only deaf "chat" as it were, is forum.

    What doubts are you having about me, Snoozy?


  • Yizuman

    Good morning all.

    Obviously I'm alright, I guess I feel silly being scared last night for nothing. I just hope nothing of this jerk step-son doesn't produce anything that I fear the most.

    If anyone has any doubts about something, do not feel afraid to ask, even if it's on a PM.


  • Farkel


    Hang in there, brother.


  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    If you have a couple of PIRs, hook up far too many lights to them.

    If a frog farts it should light up your whole yard like daylight.

  • Yizuman
    If you have a couple of PIRs, hook up far too many lights to them.
    If a frog farts it should light up your whole yard like daylight.

    Eh? Whatchoo talkin' 'bout, Willis?


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