where do the refinements come from?, and why do you answer thus?

by Spike Tassel 111 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Farkel

    WTS "refinements" = replacing an old lie, with a new lie. (See "damage control").

    That about sums it up!


  • isaacaustin

    agreed...let's stick to topic spike.

    Refinements come, as many have agreed upon, from the source they originated from...the GB. They are made due to pressure to change, be it damage control, impending false prophecy, accomodation of another GB member needing the change.....

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    No doubt, refinements come as we continue our journey of discovery and notice our need to adapt to our ever-changing environment.

    Often, refinements come as a result of communication, although the discreet may leave much unsaid. If you'd been through it all, you may remember all the nuances and appreciate why it went like that. If you're new to things and start looking back when you've not been through it all, it will just look inconsistent, perhaps. Love, fortunately, covers a multitude of idiosyncrasies, on principle. After all, if we want forgiveness, we must forgive. If we want mercy, we must be merciful. If we want love, we must love. Refinement works. That way.

  • isaacaustin

    That is a fluffy answer that does not address the topic of reinements in the WT.

    The WT changes could hardly be condsidered refinements. Refine is defined as:

    1.to bring to a fine or a pure state; free from impurities: to refine metal, sugar, or petroleum.
    2.to purify from what is coarse, vulgar, or debasing; make elegant or cultured.
    3.to bring to a finer state or form by purifying.
    4.to make more fine, subtle, or precise: to refine one's writing style.


    None of these fit the changes the WT makes, which are all generally damage control.

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    Refinement in our own understanding comes by exposure to new light, which we can't see spiritually, unless we turn toward it, with curiosity and eagerness and a sense of wonderment. Which is why Jesus spoke highly of becoming a little child, which he did himself in coming to earth.

  • JWoods

    Yeah and I see the government of Scotland is going to turn loose the weenie coward bomber of the Pan Am Lockerbie Scotland jet. Because he has terminal cancer and <"needs to go home to Libya to see his family">. I say let is sorry ass rot to termination in the worst jail they can find.

    This guy showed the "refinement" and "mercy" of not having the guts to carry the bomb on board himself - he put it into a boom box and gave it to his girlfriend (who apparantly did not even know what was going to happen).

    The WTBTS caused the deaths and/or ruined lives of many people from blood transfusions, stubborn anti-draft rules, and childish political rules (Malawi party cards, open agitation in Nazi Germany, etc.) - later to change every one of these rules and claim that their followers did all this stuff of their own volition.

    Those followers had exactly the same chance as the jet bomber's girlfriend - they had no idea the Society was jacking around with their lives.

    I have no more sympathy for this cold-hearted religion than I do for the above-mentioned cowardly terrorist.

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    If we want mercy, we must be merciful. If we want love, we must love. Refinement works. That way. It's about US refining, as individuals. I think that definitely has happened, as long as we continue to subject ourself to the refining process.

  • isaacaustin

    yes, our personalities refine. That is off-topic though as to changes in teaching/doctirne of the WT.

    For instance, what caused the change in 1995 of 'this generation' to be changed from the physical generation of 1914 to simply meaning wicked man who sees Christ's presence but fails to mend their ways, irregardless of year born?
    Damage control and avoidance of an impending false prophecy as the max term for a generation had passed.

  • JWoods
    If we want mercy, we must be merciful. If we want love, we must love. Refinement works. That way. It's about US refining, as individuals. I think that definitely has happened, as long as we continue to subject ourself to the refining process.

    Since when did the Watchtower Society or the local Witnesses ever show mercy to someone who disagreed with them? You are saying that we should show our mercy by going along with the Society for false prophecy and false teachings (as they cover their butts by flip-flopping the lies) - - but always at the threat of being cast out if we do not agree. Going along this way is not mercy - it is extortion by the threat of loss of family, friends, and the proposed hope for life. Again I ask - since when has the Society ever shown mercy or forgiveness to any dissenter - no matter how sincere that person may be?

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    I believe that as our personalities refine, so our cultures refine/ change, so the discussions in the WT refine/ change.

    Sometimes, refinements come from changing the parameters of the discussion, such as changing the way a word is defined or used.

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