I need someone to explain...

by desib77 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    I discuss what I need to so as to have peace within myself. The Apostle Paul mentions at Philippians 3:13:— Forgetting the things behind and stretching forward to the things ahead. Someone mentioned that there is a mentoring option available. Does anyone know about this? How does someone like me get access to something like that? I cannot afford to risk them asking about my past, otherwise it triggers me "acting out" more, which I must avoid, at all costs.

  • OnTheWayOut

    When Spike (temporarily) retired his/her Reniaa persona, he/she didn't want to just be a copy of that persona.
    Spike is supposed to be an ignorant version of this persona, not knowing fully what he/she has done and how WTS and the local congregation has treated him/her.

    Spike wants us to be think he/she is unsure if he/she is a former unbaptized publisher or a DF'ed witness who believes but doesn't understand the doctrine. Spike wants us to spend alot of energy and time convincing him/her that he/she has been burned by the organization, thus getting the attention that he/she wants.

    Too bad for Spike that this idea struck after already revealing that Spike is not so ignorant about all things, so it makes no sense.

    Ignore this "Trevor-troll." If he/she is not Trevor, he/she might as well be. Their goal is the same- attention seeking.

  • isaacaustin

    Perhaps some counseling would be in order. I warn you that not talking about whatever this supposed sin is, for fear it will cause it to come out is counterproductive and does not address the underlying cause. It does not make you free of the sin, simply an inactive sinner in that area. You need to address whatever this is, as well as the underlying ill that causes it. Otherwise the cycle will continue.

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    Isaac:— you don't understand me right, though several non-JC members of the local congo do, we communicate very well with "knowing glances". Jehovah and Jesus Christ know me very well, and I trust them to make me stand, even here. Multiple traumas — both by head injury and a gross lack of bonding — bear their toll.

  • isaacaustin

    spike, i think you are not recovered form your head injury. Did you have several? It shows. None of your account is coherent at all to JW judicial processes or terminology. You are obviiously lying. Go get a CT scan to get the extent of damage to your head.

  • isaacaustin

    spike, i think you are not recovered form your head injury. Did you have several? It shows. None of your account is coherent at all to JW judicial processes or terminology. You are obviiously lying. Go get a CT scan to get the extent of damage to your head.

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    I am not lying at all, though it would be easier for you if I was. Do you know about Asperger's Syndrome, which can be classified as a type of autism? That is what I have, full-blown. I have also been through a number of serious head injuries through the course of my life, the first being a forceps delivery a month premature. I'm not interested in your sympathy, only your respect and compassion.

  • isaacaustin

    I know Asperger's syndrome well spike. My friend's son has been diagnosed with it. I know exaclty what it does. That is why I do not appreciate your lying and using it to further your fairytale.

  • DaCheech

    pray for the new world.

    a jehovah's witness' hook/line/sinker for the needy

  • wobble

    I just walked past the Kingdom hall and trod in some dogma.

    ( I don't know what this has to do with this thread,but it was funny. ?)

    I think Spike Tassell needs some actual (professional) help too, I have seen the symptoms before on here.,but Spike,be assured that we do not criticise you or whatever condition (s) you may have,even if it is only congenital lying, we just cannot agree with your opinions 99% of the time.

    Love (honestly)


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