I need someone to explain...

by desib77 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • Chalam

    I am a JW apologist,

    I unequivocally apologise to the whole of mankind for being so STUPID as to be a JW for 58 years.

    Love, grovelling,


    Wobble.............. lol :)


    All the best,


  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    I can only apologise for my stupidity. Witnessing about Jehovah would be an untenable position for me; I would be dead without Him. For me, love is acceptable, grovelling is not.

  • isaacaustin

    What stupidity? We have all done stupid things at one time or another. What have you done so bad as to put you in a worse position than others?

  • isaacaustin

    Spike, I am thinking that your disfellowshipping may be the best thing that has ever happened to you- the best experience you will ever have had. Perhaps it will help you to see the GB is a sham and help you to look past their dogma and come to actually know God.

  • leavingwt
    wow, I read that several time and it still doesn't really make sense to me... so they feel as if they have to somehow justify christianity? am i getting that right?

    Yes, that is the essence of it. They defend Christianity. They seek to offer a rebuttal to detractors and critics.

    Some apologists are more skilled than others.

    If you can stomach some of the past Trinity threads here, you'll see examples of JW apologists discussing the Trinity. You'll also see that MOST of them have no idea what the Trinity is, as preached by Christian religions for hundreds of years. IMHO, they are very poor apologists for Arianism, as they cannot explain the Trinity. Just my opinion. (In many of those threads, JW apologists argue against a "strawman".)

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    I mis-wrote at Post 1092:— I can only apologise for my stupidity. Witnessing about Jehovah would be an untenable position for me; I would be dead without Him. For me, love is acceptable, grovelling is not.

    The highlighted part correctly reads:— Witnessing about Jehovah's goodness is the only tenable position for me.

    I do not compare myself to others regarding stupidity. I must apologise for mine, and come to respect Jehovah, Jesus, myself, and others more and more as I ought.

    I take no issue with the GB. I do not know their personal expressions; nor have any of them had personal dealings with me. "Dogma" is not a matter of my personal expertise.

  • isaacaustin

    spike siad:

    I take no issue with the GB. I do not know their personal expressions; nor have any of them had personal dealings with me. "Dogma" is not a matter of my personal expertise.

    My reply:

    That is your mistake- you have not had any dealings with the GB, nor have you examined their claim to be what they say they are. Thus you are stuck in thheir dogma.

  • DaCheech

    spike, jw apologists have come on go here.

    give it time, and you will go and no one here will miss you

  • sacolton

    Spike, you don't need the Watchtower organization to witness about Jehovah.

    Unless you want someone to count your time.

  • isaacaustin


    Why the sudden and drastic change. You came to this site debating topics, having Scriptural discussions with no reservation. Then you suddenly start pushing that you are not one of JWs, as announced, refuse to give details...yet claim you are not dfed....but you are treated as thouhg you are....you now avoid any issues once your initial answer of WT rhetoric is refuted by giving your now favorite party line "SPike Tassal is not one of Jehovah's Witnesses"

    What gives? Something about you is not adding up. Again, why not come clean. I am positive no one here will jump on you for coming clean. What is your real story?

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