Insomniacs...your tricks for staying asleep?

by restrangled 73 Replies latest jw friends

  • restrangled

    Yes Ambien was very scary.....I was given one pill after a few glasses of wine, and literally could not walk. It was horrible.

    Finally, was able to crawl to bed, got in, passed out instantly.... and was up in 3 hours. The next day I could not stop shaking or feeling like a junkie and I have never used drugs in my life.

    My hands shook, my brain didn't work etc. very scary stuff.


  • Dagney

    I was going to say magnesium also. I use something called CALM, it's kind of a fizzy magnesium, but it is something your body needs for a number of reasons. And if I have restless legs etc., it stops it right away.

    I've never taken Ambien, but I take a teeny tiny corner of an OTC sleeping pill if I think I need the extra kicker. Warm shower, a cd with Delta brain waves in it. There are multiple CD's out there to calm the mind...I've tried it all LOL.

    I hate being awake when the world is asleep. I didn't sleep at ALL last night.

    It's a problem.

  • Elsewhere

    Benadryl... that's the magic pill.

  • restrangled

    So where do you get this magnesium? the grocery or drug store? Seems so much of vitamins etc., are full of crap and top dollar.

    If it worked, what is the name brand, and where did you get it?


  • Priest73

    DING DING! Palmtree is correct. check with the doc about hormones. Speaking as an authority with a mother, 2 sisters, a wife and 3 daughters. Next question?

    Yeah. Where does beks fit in there. You didn't list a "pain in the ass liberal."

  • Priest73

    sorry to hijack restrangled, I just could'nt resist... sorry about your Zs.

  • villabolo

    restrangled; if you try melatonin make it the sublingual type that dissolves under your tongue. Experiment with the doses 1/2 to 5mg.


  • tenyearsafter

    Here is a product that is due to be approved by FDA is a low dose, very fast-acting "Ambien type" product that shouldn't have alot of the side effects of heavier strength product. It is being developed specifically for MOTN (middle of the night) awakenings. It might be worth asking your doctor about when it hits the market. Hope you find something that works...I have had the issue on occasion when I travel, and it is NO fun...

  • beksbks

    I have terrible sleep issues R. Mostly as you describe. I honestly haven't found a reliable solution. Although, I do get desperate and take a half of a 5m ambien, and it helps. Oh and sometimes I eat the heart of a middle aged IT guy just before bedtime. That's the best.

  • Priest73
    Oh and sometimes I eat the heart of a middle aged IT guy just before bedtime. That's the best.

    35 is not middle aged.

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