The Generation That Will Not Pass Away...
by undercover 59 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Big Tex
I've got a grandmother still alive. She was born in 1914, she turns 95 this summer.
I grew up listening to This Generation over and over, it burned a hole in my brain. Not only are those people gone, but so is that teaching. Kind of funny and sad at the same time.
Sudden thought - how many Witnesses today know about the 1914 generation teaching? Or care?
it was those who were of understandable age.... so not babies then.
i always remember the elders would say "someone around say 11 yrs old who could look around and notice the way the world was changing"
so that makes them now 106 yrs old..... by the way HARRY PATCH god bless you, thank you for my freedom.
Sudden thought - how many Witnesses today know about the 1914 generation teaching? Or care?
It would be interesting to show this magazine cover to all the dubs who aren't aware of the old generation teaching or never saw this cover. Might jangle some nerves...
I discovered
The 1914 generation change jangled my nerves literally. One of the reasons I started to stop going to the meetings. It would be interesting to show the cover to the ones that don't know about it.
Good idea.
Mickey mouse
I would love to get hundreds of these and put them on the windshield of every care outside every KH within a 30 mile radius.
UNDERCOVER- I talked with a former long time JW friend of mine this weekend for the first time in 13 years, an elder. We were talking about the April 2008 new view of " generation ". I mentioned to him my JW mom occasionally sends me the WT and I noticed that article stated " a generation could be any undetermined length of time. " So I told my friend I was curious about the definition of " generation ", so I looked it up in the Oxford Wordfinder dictionary . My elder friend had a COW ! He said, " You researched a " worldly " book for a definition !!?? " I said, " Dude- IT'S A DICTIONARY . " Anyway it stated that a generation is " 30 to 40 years or the length of time from when we are born until we have children, and so forth. " My friend said, " Well Flipper that is the MODERN DAY definition , in the earlier Bible times the definition had a broader meaning. It could be 120 years or an indetermined period. "
I tell ya- you just can't win trying to convince these JW's about anything. It's like pissing against the wind or swimming upstream
My grandmother dies a couple of years back. She was born in 1912. I think her death was part of my doubts really comimg to the surface. 1914 was always the big date when I was growing up. My mum felt that 1984 would be significant being 70 years after 1914, and the bible saying the lifespan of man is 70 or 80 years.
Jeepers ... just look at that magazine cover - they all look close to deaths door anyway and that was way way back in 1984 ... 25 YEARS AGO !!!